Sunnnnnshineeee #sexist #racist
RE: ‘What’s a Girl Seeking, Alone at Night?’ German Mayor’s ‘Victim-Blaming’ Blasted as Immigrants Accused of Gang-Raping Teenager
You should celebrate the rise of Islam in the West.
For the ladies:
Church, Kitchen, and Children
Amazing, because the latter two are pretty much my life. And you know what? I’m safe, loved, cherished and taken care of.
I never see any of these liberated, feminist, strong and empowered women, looking half as content as I am. Go figure. Their husbands seem to actually hate them and they’re all heavy wine drinkers, on pills and stressed out. They hate me because I buck their stupid feminism and am far happier for it. Oh well! Sadly they never seem to learn and double down harder on the feminism, and get more and more miserable.
I’d do fine in a burka. I already dress modestly. The only people that will be upset will be the degenerate feminists. Too bad so sad for them!!
The difference is that you chose how to live. The religion of pieces won't give you that choice. And a sacrifice won't be wearing a burka but your children.
True, but evidently we’re going to get it, whether or not we want it.
That is where you are mistaken. Nobody will be forcing burkas on American women unless all of us American men are already dead.
All we have to do is decide to act and we could eject them or wipe them out. There are not that many of them here. Let's see what happens if they push us. I predict none will be allowed to live.
I truly hope you’re right. I know this sounds strange coming from a woman, but I despise most women and think they’ll get what they deserve.
They were never accepting and tolerant of my choices, they made it a point to make my life a living hell despite my only wanting to be left alone, so I can’t really blame the many men that have walked away and left women to their own self imposed destruction. They’re just so spiteful and venomous that the poison they spit is going to poison them.
I don’t understand why any man would care what happens to the vast majority of women. But I am grateful some do, if only to save my own skin and my children.
The left is more animated by microscopic instances of Western misogyny than by gargantuan instances of Non Western misogyny.
Yes because it’s a war against WHITE MEN. They don’t care what non white men do to white women (or non white women). Surely you understand this?
Being out late on Halloween I can understand but she meets a group of boys and agrees to go home with one of them??!!!
What the mayor wanted to say was, "What a ditz!!"
I’ve already explained to my children that they won’t be unsupervised in their teens. And I show them these stories to reinforce the reasons why. It’s time for white people to understand that we need reinforcements and strength in numbers. Is it “right”? No but it’s the reality. Better to be chaperoned then gang raped, or ground up into a kebab or fed to alligators, etc.