Yes Gays Are Bullies #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy
The foreign LGBT invasion of Kenya
Homosexual behavior is illegal in Kenya according to the country’s constitution. But officials have been caving in to pressure.
In February 2023, the Kenya Supreme Court ruled that the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (NGLHRC) must be allowed to officially register as a non-governmental organization (NGO). This ruling gave it legal recognition to openly engage in a range of activities and promotions in Kenya. That ruling shocked the country’s Christian community.
NGLHRC was founded by a group of pro-LGBT Kenyan lawyers to aggressively promote “equality and full inclusion” of LGBT “identities” and behaviors in Kenya. It engages mostly in strategic litigation, but also public advocacy, “training and civic education,” and other civic activism. According to the pastors we spoke with, it is funded by U.S.-based other Western organizations.
The vast foreign money coming into Kenya to implement the LGBTQ agenda and change the country’s culture is astounding, and similar to the situation in neighboring countries.
It’s quite frightening. These pro-LGBT groups in Kenya are strategically organized and funded (with full-time staff) to target the Kenyan people and society from different directions.
It’s particularly alarming, say the pastors, that these groups take advantage of the relative illiteracy in rural areas by pushing homosexual and gender ideology there (often using the infamous “gender unicorn”) to persuade and recruit children to accept those ideas and behaviors.