operaghost #transphobia ovarit.com

It couldn't POSSIBLY be because they're prancing around in a delusion in public. Why on earth would they get promoted if they're spending all their workplace hours worrying about how to transition at work and convince their coworkers to participate in a delusion? Why should they expect not to be made fun of (what they're probably perceiving as catcalling) when they objectively are behaving in a baffling manner?

This thread is full of people's self-made problems. One transman was complaining about how they have it even worse than "cis women" in terms of healthcare, because their body is on hormones and a lot of gynecologists won't even see transmen and how awful it is to sit in the waiting room of a women's health center because they look like a man, and how insurance is harder because their legal documents say M not F, so claims for women's health care get denied, and so on and on and on.

And I'm just like... so? This is a problem you created yourself. You started taking testosterone and didn't think through the long term consequences of how you might feel in various social occasions. You went through a whole legal process to change your legal sex marker with no care for how it might affect our social systems. You CHOSE this. Every step of the way. And you want society to rearrange itself around you? How entitled.



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