Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
RIGGED ELECTIONS, OPEN BORDERS = Third World Countries. The USA is a failing Nation!

( @Battlehorn1776 )
You should’ve rolled in the tanks when you were the CnC but you didn’t. Now you’re just a sad cuckold crying on social media sites.

( @CriticalMemeTheory )
@realdonaldtrump bro, you endorsed Mitch McConnell and Andrew McCarthy

@realdonaldtrump over the last 2 years I noticed the Democrats never seemed worried because they knew they got away with it in 2020 so why not just cheat again!

( @ReneeRose )
@realdonaldtrump Yeah well, how many actually thought our military would handle this and we were "watching a movie" & were told to grab your popcorn? How many thought one big sting operation was playing out before our very eyeballs? MANY. Nothing is going on. There is no investigation & the corruption just gets worse. Votes do not count when you can take extra days to find the ballots you need to win.

( @GoToHellFeds )
@realdonaldtrump The US hasn't been a 'nation' since the mid 1960s.

It is a borderless corporate economic zone. nothing more.

( @GreyGhostJustice )
@GoToHellFeds @realdonaldtrump since 1913 when the Jew Federal Reserve Act was passed for the jew Private Bankers!

( @r_oleks )
@realdonaldtrump you had 4 years to use your powers to influence the republican governors to fix the voting process. Sad truth.



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