Maria Vultaggio #conspiracy

North West Illuminati Rumors: Why Did Kim and Kanye Name Baby After A Direction?

It’s been long rumored that Kanye West was a follower of the secret group called the Illuminati, which would also mean he was a member of the Freemasons or a satanist. Since TMZ reported on Thursday that he and girlfriend Kim Kardashian named their daughter North West, Twitter has been going wild posts claiming that the baby was named after the Illuminati.

How exactly could anyone come to this conclusion? Some pointed out that northwest on compass points to 333 degrees, which is half of 666 -- the number of Satan. Others said north and west on a compass make a 90-degree triangle, which is an Illuminati symbol. There were a few Twitter users who simply said northwest is the direction to hell.

The Illuminati rumors following the reveal of North West’s name might be a shock for the Kardashian family, who probably were thinking fans would have been most surprised the reality star didn’t give her daughter a K moniker. West and Kardashian haven’t officially announced the name of their child, but a friend recently told Us Weekly that the name of baby Kimye wasn’t going to be what everyone expected: “They're not quite ready to announce the name yet — But the name definitely does not start with a K, despite all the rumors that have been out."

The child already has a nickname apparently, Nori, and no middle name, according to the celebrity magazine. It’s been rumored for months the couple was going to choose North.

This isn’t the first time a celebrity baby name has caused ire. Some said that Blue Ivy backwards, or Eulb Yvi, was the name of Lucifer’s daughter in Latin. While none of these celebrities have ever acknowledged the rumors, the Illuminati conspiracies continue to spread throughout the Internet.

Here’s what the Twitterverse said about the Kardashian-West baby name:



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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