Responding to the plight of Buddhists monks in Myanmar...
[Well, they're Buddhists, so who gives a crap? This is
probably God's way of telling them that they're not
worshipping him correctly, just like when the American Indians got killed off - right, Hiram?]
Yoda, I know you are being sarcastic, but I think you have stumbled on to a very valid point. Some times God has to allow these knuckleheads to learn the hard way! Jesus is the only way to God!
So, if Christians die, it's persecution, if others die, its just rewards? What?
No, aborted babies are killed because they're not worshipping god correctly, of course.
Did you guys take a moment to read the thread this quote comes from? It starts with Hiram posting an article in which he claims that the Japanese didn't invade America during WWII because they knew that Americans owned guns. When asked to defend this claim, he craps around for a few pages and resorts to insults.
Wrong! You should care about the plight of everyone you can, whether or not they're Christian. Jesus cared for those who weren't Jewish.
Besides, for people who are so concerned with Justice, how would this be just for God to say you're not following me rightly, let's kill you, and not explain how to follow him? It's not just or right at all. Get your head out of your butt and follow your leader the way you're supposed to
"Christians tell me that they love their enemies, and yet all I ask is not that they love their enemies, not that they love their friends even, but that they treat those who differ from them, with simple fairness. We do not wish to be forgiven, but we wish Christians to so act that we will not have to forgive them."
Robert Ingersoll
.........."Some Mistakes Of Moses", 1879
Amanda, you must have missed Hiram's earlier remark, cited here on FSTDT, that God allowed the American Indians to be slaughtered by white settlers in order to demonstrate that they weren't worshipping Him properly. I think that's what the YesThisisYoda, was sarcastically referring to in the quote given in brackets.
And, nonetheless, God has to wait 45 years to make it clear. Moreover, he has to create Buddhist and make them the majority of a country, of his creation too, to begin with.
Some times God has to allow these knuckleheads to learn the hard way!
I tried to think of something to say to this. I really did. This fucker not only can't be bothered to hide the fact that he's a walking cock, he's actually proud of the fact that, in his bastardized religion, the Creator routinely kills folks left and right just to make His points.
But now I'm too sad and disgusted.
Congratulations, fuckknuckle, you've succeeded in ruining my afternoon.
This site is sucking away my soul.
Hiram, God just called. He doesn't want ghoulish assholes like you claiming to speak for him anymore. He reminds people he is the "God Of Love", not the "God of Jerks"!PS I guess massacred Christian missionaries are knuckleheads, too.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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