Scott #fundie

Agreed Mr. Snyder. Well, folks, I believe it is time to start the drum roll of the march, for us believers, we are soon to be with our King, but not yet. What am I talking about? The end! The Lord told me shortly after the new year that people have ignored Him, his messengers, his church, and because of this willfull disobedience, God said to me I will speak to them through the Earth.
Things are going to be happening that has never happened before.
About 10 years ago, the Lord told me of a great shaking to take place. I took this literally and have been trying to win souls like crazy and warning people. To my dismay, life is just going on.
I believe God intends to shake things up, but at the same time, I believe a spiritual shaking to take place a revival of revivals. Healing is coming, but unfortunately, God has to open the wound to be able to apply the healing salve.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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