Scientists believe that they are only months away from proving once and for all that God exists!!!
Really now. Funny I've heard nothing of this. You'd think such a thing would be all over the news.
What will Satanists, errr I mean Atheists like Richard Dawkins have to say, when their fellow liberal scientists have turned against them??
We'll say that once youhave the proof, we'll listen. Until then, this is nothing but hot air.
What will Muslums and Democrats say??
They'll shrug and worship his as they did before, most likely.
Will they beg for our (Christian Republican) forgiveness??
Your forgiveness. Surely you mean God's, here, son. Because God is the one who should be doing the forgiving, not his little bootlicks. Hubris makes me sick.
Will they agree that the Bible is true?
Which Bible? Hmmm?
Will we finally be able to outlaw homosexuality?
Sure, why not. The moment God unequivocally says that being homosexual is against his design, in spite of him hardwiring us this way, it will be illegal. He better be willing to fix his fuck up, though...
Will slavery be legalized again?
Fine. As you just broke my flower pot, you are now indebted to me. Come along, I have some chores for you.
My God it will be a great time to be alive!! Stay tuned!