KatanasiX #conspiracy news.yahoo.com

This article is pure psy-op, mind-control, #$%$. It is clearly anti-Trump, pro-Muslim...and anti-American. They're even using a cute little girl to make it appear harmless, to cause people to become sympathetic towards these poor Muslims who want to enter OUR country. After all that we now know of , there definitely should be a ban on these people coming to America. It is not racist to support that. It does not matter what color their skin is. It does not matter what kind of clothes they wear on their head. It does not matter who/what they worship. There are many people among them who want to kill you and your family. It is not racist to speak/act against murderous psychopaths who get off on sawing your head off, or throwing you from the highest roof. It is NOT unconstitutional to prohibit any of these people from entering OUR COUNTRY. They are NOT privy to the protections and rights of OUR Constitution...we are.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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