I'm 20yrs old and have never been in a relationship and I'm a virgin saving myself for marriage, and I've had people laugh and make fun of me for being one. i do want to get married if thats what God has planned for me, but there's not much time left so i don't see it happening. Christ will have to be my Bridegroom. i am so eager to go Home so i can never sin again, i hate sinning so much, but with how evil the world has gotten it just gets harder everyday and i just have to continue the fight.
Twenty isn't THAT old for a woman to be a virgin. I mean, religious virgins are rather pathetic, but that's about the mentality, not the actual virginity.
"Not much time left"? I'm 21 and a virgin (I'm still waiting for the right person). Hell, I've never been in a relationship either. I want to one day, just not right now.
They say a woman reaches her sexual peak in her 30s anyway, so what's the hurry? :D
EDIT: this isn't really fundy, just odd.
Bleh, edit no worky for me. On topic:
Such a pity, she sounds like a nice girl, if extremely gullible. This is exactly the reason I hate whatever power-hungry fucking monster brought religion to humanity. Although I can't be certain, I'd say it's a pretty good bet that whatever she considers "sinning" is an entirely natural part of life and that the idea was put into her head at an early age to keep her in line.
Disgusting. Fucking infuriatingly disgusting.
This sounds more like the suicide note of someone about to drink the Kool-Aid than anything I've ever read.
Christiangrl; some sinning is fun. Like fornication, for example.
Hopefully, this child will learn before it's too late. One day she will realize that she has wasted her life waiting for some(not even fucking Biblical) fairy ride to heaven that was supposed to happen any minute. This is why some of these religious groups are so unfortunate for their members. I find this one truly sad.
"i hate sinning so much"
So stop sinning.
This is one extremely depressing young woman. She needs therapy and possibly some Lexapro and/or Klonopin, not the life of a nun.
In the meantime, it sounds like a college education has been wasted on someone who wasn't ready for it. That's even sadder, as she didn't get what she could have out of the experience.
You think even LIVING outside of marriage is a sin?
Poor, brainwashed girl. Someone do something about her parents.
Take a look at the source, folks: Rapture Ready. The "not much time left" comment refers to her expecting the Rapture imminently.
But you'd think that would stimulate a person to go after a relationship that much faster, wouldn't you?
~David D.G.
Come on over to Uncle Mud's house and he'll put on some soft music, light some candles, pour you some Jesus Jui..I mean wine and we'll sit on the love seat and talk about this thing called sin. Rapture? Yeah babe. Mud can take you there too.
I used to live with a 29-year-old female virgin. A scholarly, attractive female virgin. (I still live with her, but now she's just a 29-year-old, scholarly, attractive female.)
Of course, she was a virgin because dating was never a priority, and she's focused on her academic career anyway; nothing to do with religion. In fact, she still lurks over my shoulder and laughs at fundie posts now and then.
I suppose what I was trying to say, with all my digression, is that there's nothing wrong with not dating, or being a virgin. It's the reasoning behind it that can be wrong... and in C.grl777's case, a little sad.
I am of the opinion that RR is ruining lives through the fear of a fictional event. I'll probably write a rant about it later. Grr.
Well, shit, i'm conflicted.
The whole virgin and marriage thing, I don't see anything Fundie about. Lots of people are virgins for years (and it can often turn out to be the person who brags about having sex all the time). Being a virgin is nothing bad, or anything to be ashamed (and yes, I am a virgin and 18.) I have to say though, I think it many ways it can be a little easier for girls to admit being virgins, since for girls it's "cute", but for boys, they're "losers". Meh, society is weird. :P
The rest is indeed, the usual Fundie self-hating 'the world is teh ebbils and teh Rapture will come any minute!!1!' complex. Just sad, really.
How do you plan to get married if you don't get a relationship?
Paul thought that Christ's return was imminent (hence his teaching of celibacy; why make babies if the world's gonna end?), yet we're still here. Given god's track record for remembering promises, you should just get on with your life, as he's likely forgotten it long ago.
Not much time left? You're 20? Are you terminally ill? Also, I will not laugh at you for being a virgin. I have this nagging feeling I'll still be one by 18. Actually, it's like a contract, signed in blood.
From later in the thread post #35:
I'm 33 and a guy and I have never been in a relationship, I have never had sex either. This used to really bother me a lot and I would get depressed all the time. A few nights ago, I asked God to make it so I wouldn't be depressed the next day and I have been saying that prayer every night and I haven't been depressed at all, actually I am happy. It's like a shroud of demonic oppresion has been lifted from me.
...Calling Poe, assuming it's not been called yet.
Has anyone seen the similarities between a good Poe and incredibly strong sarcasm?
“I'm 20yrs old and have never been in a relationship and I'm a virgin saving myself for marriage, and I've had people laugh and make fun of me for being one.”
I was a virgin until 22.
No one laughed at me, even on my first submarine.
“i do want to get married if thats what God has planned for me,”
I think that’s more likely what they’re laughing at, that you’re a virgin ’cause god.’
"but there's not much time left so i don't see it happening.”
For the Rapture? Yeah, better play it safe. it’s only been forecast for the last 2000 years.
“Christ will have to be my Bridegroom.”
“i am so eager to go Home so i can never sin again,”
If you’re a true Christain, you can’t sin now.
“i hate sinning so much, but with how evil the world has gotten it just gets harder everyday and i just have to continue the fight.”
Good luck with that.
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