finarfin #racist

["I've read posts where this fool has actually justified slavery.]

August heat, the fact that i "justify" slavery is not wrong in itself. If i am able to properly justify slavery, then slavery has justification! You realize that the term "justification" does not have to have "good" connotations in order to be used? . It is simply justification, whether good or evil!

Slavery is justified by the fact that there was a lot of farmable land in colonial America but there were to few people to farm it. hence the bringing over of slaves. I do not think we brought them here just to be 'mean' to black people.

["He judges entire cultures."]

Is that evil or hateful? I've heard plenty of liberals judge entire cultures saying they were "agrarian," "ingenious," "artistic," "colorful," "interesting," "war-like." These are all judgments, but are they hateful?

[ "Did you read the hoodlum comment about blacks being "tribal"."]

Well, aren't they? I'm just basing this off of observation. Witnessing their stereotypically primitive, animalistic behavior i naturally come to that conclusion.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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