Guy Malone #fundie

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Additionally, Paradox Brown describes one possible scenario this way,

“Beyond this, there is also the “Beast from the Sea”, with 7 heads and 10 horns, which while having a symbolic meaning, is also the fallen angel Abaddon who is released from the Abyss—
It seems likely that this fallen angel Abaddon will take the form of a human man, and not assume a strange “alien” form like other angels seem to do in Revelation. However, this does not preclude people believing that he is an alien. In fact, as the whole world is said to worship him as “god”, it stands to reason that he may claim to be “god” or “creator” of mankind. A human-looking “alien” who claims he himself created humanity in ages past, seems a lie that the world might believe. In fact many “abductees” already believe this. One type of “alien” seen in abduction False Visions is the Nordic. “Nordic aliens” look like beautiful humans, and some people describe them to seem angelic, and they also claim creation of humanity—

“Many people already have gotten the idea into their heads that the Earth may have been visited by aliens in the past, or that aliens might have built the pyramids, etc., have been visiting us for a long time, or even that aliens seeded life here on earth. This theory is known as “panspermia” or “exogenesis”. And some abductees already believe that humanity was genetically engineered by aliens that were here in Earth’s past. The foundation of these ideas is the Theory of Evolution. If people are deceived into thinking Abaddon is an “alien”, who was here in the past, this may be the grand finale of the Theory of Evolution, which has grown beyond a science theory, to be a faith-based religious system. In fact, it seems to be the best candidate out there for the “Strong Delusion” spoken of in 2 Thessalonians.

“As much as believing in evolution is a matter of faith— Exogenesis is also a matter of faith. What if someday people were told by reliable sources, such as the government or mainstream media, that “aliens” were real, here, and from another planet in another solar system? What if someday people were told by reliable sources that the “aliens” had said they guided the evolution of mankind through genetic engineering, or were the ones who originally brought life to the Earth from outerspace? If this were the case, many people would believe it, especially those who already believe in evolution. Because if a person believes that life evolved here on earth, it leads them to think life could have evolved in space as well, and “aliens” could exist— the Theory of Evolution has been very effective in prepping the world to be deceived by Abaddon, should he claim to be an “alien” who was here in Earth’s past.”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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