Gatekeepers of the Lion’s Gate via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo

(A great indigo blue glowing lion with the universe in his eyes is guarding a gate. I see a tall arched gateway that is also glowing blue. Beside him is a white lioness, who is glowing like a diamond, with slightly longer fur that is blowing in the wind. She is wearing a delicate golden crown. The male lion speaks first.)

Greetings humans in form, this is the auspicious Lion’s Gate Portal of energy streaming from the Sirius system, bathing you in higher dimensional consciousness streams of light that are invigorating those of you who are awakened to them and irritating those who are not yet able to see the light around them. The light that surrounds all things is indeed becoming more bright as the contrasts between the light and the darkness are reaching a crescendo of polarity.
(The white female lioness is speaking.) Children of earth – and of the stars – for those of you who hear my voice and read our words know that these encodements are for your ears and hearts to assist with the great unfolding. We are here for you to serve as mentors energetically. We guard the gate so that it cannot be taken over by those who are not of love. We hold the dimensional frequency of this space quadrant with tenacity and with power. These are attributes that you have but will need to dig more deeply for in the coming days. There will be much change upon Gaia. The stars and planetary alignments foretold of this time. We bear witness to your emerging from the chrysalis. <...>Multidimensionality is very powerful, which is why it had been blocked for you, so that you may experience polarity and linearity within a meatsuit as you call it.
Our bodies are space time construct with the heat of the universe pulsing within, as we are one with our creator but in feline form. You are remembering your oneness now with the great All That Is, with the great Goddess, the great Almighty Force that drives and lives and breathes through us, in us, around us.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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