
Patricia Cota-Robles #ufo #magick voyages-of-light.com

The awesome success of the various activities of Light Awakening Humanity Cocreated with the Company of Heaven in 2024, has accelerated our Ascension process in wondrous ways that we will experience throughout 2025.

One of the most life-changing things that occurred in 2024 is that Mother Earth was able to reclaim her rightful place in our Solar System. This is something that she has been striving to accomplish since her fall from Grace aeons ago.

This seeming miracle occurred when ALL of the Solar Logos from the Suns beyond Suns in Earth’s lineage were, at long last, Breathed into the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun. The Solar Logos from that System of Worlds are known through all Creation as Sanat and Luz.

The other Solar Logos from the Suns in Mother Earth’s lineage consist of Helios and Vesta from our Physical Sun, Alpha and Omega from our Central Sun, Elohae and Eloha from our Great Central Sun and El and Ela from our Great, Great Central Sun.

Since Mother Earth and all of the Suns in Earth’s lineage were Breathed into the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun, ALL Life evolving on Earth has been daily and hourly Ascending into new Solar and Cosmic Coordinates. With every Breath we take, Earth’s adjusted position in the Universe is allowing all Life on this Planet to receive higher and higher Solar Light Codes through the Portals of the Suns in Earth’s Lineage and our Grand Central Sun.

This vibrational shift Created the sacred space that enabled all Life on Earth to safely experience the most intensified 40-Day purging process that Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth had ever been able to safely withstand.
Light is infinitely more powerful than darkness. Since the dense psychic astral veil of illusion, which the Company of Heaven often described as “almost tar-like”, has been purified and Transfigured into what they now refer to as a “transparent, gossamer veil”, everything has changed.

Judith Kusel/The Counsel of Twelve and Twenty-four Elders The Logoi #ufo #magick #crackpot voyages-of-light.com

I witnessed the full activation of the New Golden Age, last night, even as the sun flares are releasing immense powerful sun disc which work with the crystal pyramids and the new white golden crystalline energy grids of the New Earth.

This will gain in velocity and power in the next few weeks and months.

The sun discs are downloading the new sun technologies and new energy systems for the new earth, as all energy will be free, as even the higher consciousness within us, and those who are ready to receive and utilize these are being activated.

The two higher chambers, above the King’s Chamber, in the Giza pyramid are both now fully activated, and now functioning as one with the inner earth civilizations Great pyramid, Giza’s twin, fully anchoring in the Osiris and I**s energy, thus balance, harmony, oneness, and the connecting directly once again with the Great pyramid of Illumination in Sirius.

This means that we are entering the golden cosmic gates, of no return.

These activations are now at all levels of existence, at cellular, DNA and atomic levels, as we regain our true heritage, and more than this, our capacity to finally return to the state of ONE.

More solar flares will now erupt even as the pyramid energy rises in potency, so will our consciousness levels rise.
The highest Wisdom of the Cosmic Tree of Life which Orion holds.

It opens the door through the Causal, Soul Star, Stellar Gateway anx Solar Junction and higher chakras fully opening in next few years, to the higher wisdom of the Great Bear once again and to full access and illumination of the 7th Central Sun of Illumination.

We are indeed, with the next wave of new children coming in being lifted into a totally new existence beyond our ken, even as the old gives way for the new.

This transmission works at energetic levels and directly into your soul and into the core truth of who you are in truth.

As always serving with great love and joy.

The Counsel of Twelve and Twenty-four Elders The Logoi.

Mira of the Galactic Federation Earth Council via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

Greetings beloved ones, I am Mira of the Galactic Federation Earth Council division. We are watching your progress of ascension with eager eyes and open hearts.
I Mira am speaking with my coworkers and team members when we say that you are wholly and utterly loved. You have, many of you, lived so far this lifetime with deep-seated loneliness because you chose to awaken first. It has been an isolating journey and yet this time of inner isolation as you work out your ascension has been a blessing not to have lost focus. Ascension is normally a very quiet and individual experience. It will not be with you. It will be a global and universal event for the record books.
We wish to bring you peace and peaceful tidings as you begin to explore the new frequencies that are made available to you moment by moment. Truly you are living in miraculous times. There are many to disparage that the state of your world has not appeared to change and yet the undercurrent of the new is like a rushing underground river. Much has been hidden from you. Many worlds lie beneath your feat. Earth is a honeycomb of realms and experiences. There are many underground realities that have coexisted unnoticed but this time of unnoticing is to be replaced with one of intimate awareness. Your inner earth relatives and friends are attempting to make contact now. You have always looked up at the stars when considering humanity’s origins. There is always much to discover with the inward projection of awareness but this goes for interplanetary introspection as well and much will be discovered.

I Mira am speaking. We greet and surround you this day and we thank this channel for making herself available this night. More channelers are coming on line but as it is new to them most are shutting it off and shutting the connection down. Many of your d***s try to dim this connection. This connection to inner knowing is your birth right and we suggest that you keep it close to your heart.

Pleiadians via Christine Day #ufo #magick #quack voyages-of-light.com

At the time of New Year your Earth will formally enter a new era of awakening, a pathway opening that begins a higher cycle. A shift of unlimited potential for humanity, allowing those of you on the path to enter another realm of your multidimensional consciousness. Simultaneously to this happening all the Universal energetic systems will be impacted. Understand as your Earth enters this transitional phase of vast change our resident Universe can go through another alignment to the God Seat of Power.

The action of this energetic shift will be as though a tsunami of light enters Earth, radiating and infusing light across the planet. Shifting all Timelines, anchoring open alternate reality spaces and unlocking the old ancient density that has been buried within your earth plane for lifetimes.
These alternate reality spaces that are merging will originate from the5th/ 6th dimensional consciousness realms. They carry a series of memory awakening frequency pulses that engage through your brain synapse and open into the Pineal, working to reposition the DNA strands. These pulses are positioned to realign you to an awakening, for you to remember who you are and have always been. These alternate reality spaces are designed to create an energetic mirrored platform to support you to begin a naturally readjust to the frequency of your higher self-realized state.

These alternate reality spaces have always been a part of Earth’s multidimensional energetic makeup, however now they are to become an active extension of the earth planes consciousness.
Your conscious choice action of working within the tool of your multidimensional Heart sets in motion the activation of your self-realization process. Through your Heart you can realize, experience your authentic self. Taking moments to be still within your Heart allows your Heart’s multidimensional functioning to switch on. Then you will begin to perceive, recognize the vast space of power, light that exists within your Heart.

Meg Benedicte #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon voyages-of-light.com

As the year of self-empowerment comes to a close, 2024 prepared us with more inner stamina, strength, courage and drive to forge ahead and create the lives we desire. Now that the Ascension Gates are fully open and active, we are crossing the threshold into the next phase of human transfiguration. All has led us to this moment!

In Numerology, 2025 is a “9” year (2+0+2+5). According to Numerologist, Christine DeLorey, “The 9 YEAR is the end of an era. ‘Going back’ to claim your future…the 9 Year brings significant transformation – alterations and improvements – to all areas of your life, even though you may not immediately see the positive merits of certain situations.” Not only does a “9” year close and complete a cycle, 2025 will also initiate the next phase.

With all “generational” outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) moving into 0° in new signs during this “9” year, the world is undergoing a system reboot. Similar to when your computer freezes and locks up, a reboot is the only solution. The global system has been locked up, human evolution frozen in time, all of earth’s resources confiscated by the top tier of the power hierarchy. Into this stuck situation, the cosmos provides the perfect reboot scenario in 2025.
I spent a good portion of 2024 activating my energy field in the Ascension Gates at Mount Shasta, Giza Pyramid/Sphynx and Glastonbury Tor. This set off a profound phase sequence of change within me. AA Metatron has been calling this inner transformation the “chrysalis phase” of resurrection. These new Ascension Gates are actually resurrection activators.

While the world experiences a zero point reboot this year, I will be sharing more about the resurrection process in upcoming webinars and online courses. If you want to jump right in, my Membership is already working with the resurrection steps. We gather together twice a month in Live Zoom Meetups and work on personal Ascension.

Federation of Light & White Cloud via Blossom Goodchild #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

The Divine Plan is to see Earth rid of darkness

White Cloud: Bring your world into the Light and rid it of the darkness for it is the Divine Plan that you do so. (1)

What impact will the Wave of Love have on the dark ones?

Blossom: Will the dark ones still be able to function after this Wave of Love has taken place?

Federation of Light: No. … That which is coming, Blossom, that which ‘This Event’ will bring with it, is of such Light. Such Energy change … for/of … ALL THAT IS. Both on and off Planet. This is why we have said ‘All eyes are on your Planet’ as it is part of the upliftment of everything … for everything is connected.

This LOVE LIGHT that is to sweep over, through and within, is of a magnitude that has not yet been experienced in such a way. … The souls of many of such Beings will leave immediately via ‘disintegration’. … Yes, Blossom, it shall be as if their physical Being literally crumbles and disintegrates.

B: For real?

FoL: Yes, for real Blossom. For the Energy that is carried within the entire body and soul of such ‘naughty folk’ is so ‘dis-eased’ that the Wave of Love … the Strength within it … will cause such Beings to crumble, for it cannot possibly survive within the Vibrational Frequency that the Wave brings. … We understand that it all may sound farfetched … for your programming has been so ‘normalised’ and all thought of such happenings leads you to believe such things are only make-believe.
FoL: Shall we talk of the weather?

B: Lol! Yet that wouldn’t be a bad idea. It is behaving very strangely and of course, you will say it is the Energies.

FoL: For this is so. The weather patterns are evening out the weather energies. All strange behaviour is occurring due to bringing about ‘balance,’ in order to even levels out.

B: Levels of what?

FoL: Levels of and within your biosphere. So it is, in a sense, ‘preparing’ for what is to come and equalizing Energies in order to be able to receive the WAVE OF LIGHT that is to change all.

Patricia Cota-Robles #magick #ufo voyages-of-light.com


In the midst of the unparalleled 40-Day purging process that you and I and the rest of Awakening Humanity are Co-creating with the Company of Heaven, our Father-Mother God are amplifying our efforts by Blessing us with an influx of their Infinite Gratitude.

This week, as the United States of America and several other countries in the World focus on Thanksgiving and the things we are Grateful for, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are flooding Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth with Infinite Gratitude.

This Blessing from On High reflects our God Parents’ deep appreciation for our willingness to serve as Instruments of God during this essential phase of Mother Earth’s Ascension process and the 40-Day Violet Flame purging.
A Vision of the Glorious 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth in all of her pristine beauty is appearing before us, and we understand more consciously than ever before the monumental moment unfolding on this Blessed Planet. This Vision inspires Infinite Gratitude within the Divinity of every Heart Flame, and it gives all of us the courage to keep on keeping on in new and far more powerful ways.

Today, as we bask in the embrace of Gratitude and Love from our Father-Mother God, the Company of Heaven is encouraging us to take full advantage of the assistance that the Mighty Elohim, the Directors of the Elemental Kingdom, all of the Elemental Beings, our Indigenous Ancestors from all time frames and dimensions, Saint Germain and his Legions of Violet Flame Archangels, and the Cosmic Beings from our Grand Central Sun and throughout the Universe are giving to us during this 40-Day purging process.
Through the Beloved Presence of God, I AM, now blazing in my Heart and in the Hearts of ALL Humanity, I invoke the Legions of Light throughout Infinity who are associated with the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline frequencies of the Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness.

The Faeries via Nicky Hamid #magick #ufo voyages-of-light.com

With the Faeries.

And my friend, the littlest faerie, comes to me, sits on my shoulder, and in her ephemeral trill talks to me and shows me the magic.

She sings of the spirals in the tree branches, in the flowers, in the seeds. She shows me how they mimic the dance of DNA.

She points to the sounds of creation through a spiraled sea shell and speaks of turning full circle.

How we humans came to Earth when She was very new, and in ‘cooling’ with Her, we gradually and magically changed our s***s (outer frequency) to be in synch with Her.

How we invited from our worlds in the stars, various other life expressions and how together with these elementals we fashioned our world.

How joyful all the faerie folk are that we have come full circle and are joining together now in these times, in outer expression once again.

We are bringing back our creative magic and she sings to me the reminders.

And in turn I took her into my ‘world’, through mandala portals, to the ‘diamond palace’, to space cities, and to the exquisite forest lake of my ancient ‘Home’.

And as a farewell word she says

“Tell them We are here now”
We So Love You

Lady of the Lake, Goddess of Avalon via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo voyages-of-light.com

Children of the fire, of the earth, children of the wind, the spirit, the water. Children before, in times ahead and times past and in this most pregnant now, I am the Lady of the Lake of Avalon. I am she who dwells in the mists of seclusion, of secrecy. I am here in your presence, across time space, stretching out my hands to grasp yours, to comfort you and to lend you my strength, although you have not need of it, for you are gods and goddesses in your own right, standing strong on your own two feet. Many of you were priests and priestesses on this island of mysteries, where the great learning took place within the blend of harmony and quiet.
And now I offer you this. I offer you a bag of precious gems of wisdom of memory for you have these deep within you. Avalon or Egypt or Lumeria, or Arcturus – wherever your heart longs for these memories will be returned to you.
This you has a special unique job now to carry the frequencies of home, of peace of light to the others from where you are to where they are. You are bridges of frequency. We in Avalon were secluded in the great mysteries but it is now time for the seclusion to end and the spreading of the great mysteries to be made evident and available to those who have their hearts open.
(I am hearing horns blowing in the background.) Yes, even in these times, in our times there were wars around us, there were knights in battles around Avalon but we could not be touched. We could not be reached because we were isolated within our own interdimensional flux. We protected ourselves from the outside world and now it is time to share this power of remembering, of peace so that you feel the cooling of the mists when your hearts are hot and your cheeks are wet with tears. There is great unveiling of the illusions of your carbon world and of the monsters of your mists. And yet, all mists all veils are coming down and to those who have not prepared they will be shocked.

Natalia Alba #ufo #magick #crackpot voyages-of-light.com

Many of us have been working for many years so we can align now to these new frequencies, and above all, to the new earth’s fifth-dimensional crystalline portals available, for all who are choosing to exit the 3D old timelines.

Portals that our Aurora family and the White Elohims, Guardians of our Galaxy, sustain, and create to support those who are now choosing to pass into the last physical ascension stage.

Many of you are now feeling the physical sensations of literally being upgraded into a more illumined frequency.
We start vibrating at a higher frequency, and our bodies start the long-term process of energetic crystallization, as it will take eons until we can see our new harmonic bodies losing their density.

When we do our inner work, there are some common signs, and sensations, that we are heading into this process. Signs that clearly confirm that we are embodying a higher level of consciousness, moving into a new state of being, and leaving aside more of our old 3D one.

Many of these sensations start happening in our ear portals when we feel as if we are a bit deaf, hearing how sound vibrates in our ear, while all the other sounds fall silent, as if we are only listening to a new sound we have never heard before, a new frequency that echoes in our ears and numb the other senses.

Our ear portals are readjusting to the new and denser frequency that we are now able to pick up. All the other noises feel uncomfortable until we begin to adapt again to the loud noise of our dimension.
The bone structure, especially the legs, ankles, and fingers, will also experience many sensations as they start losing density, even though we are still in the initial phases. Legs may creak, as may too other bones. Pain can become a constant when we pass through periods of profound density loss, which again has nothing to do with losing bone mass.
Some people suffer from anxiety as our dense bodies are not accustomed to dwelling in the Love that we are now able to embody.

Daniel Scranton #ufo #magick voyages-of-light.com

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have some very good news for all of you there on Earth. As always, help is on the way. You are undoubtedly aware of the 11/11 date on your calendar, and you know that November 11th brings with a portal that you can receive energies through. The energies coming to you now are for support and to assist you in stabilizing yourselves on all levels and in all possible ways. We are talking about mental and emotional stability of course, but we are also talking about aligning your chakras, aligning all of your bodies, and aligning you to the help of Mother Earth that is coming up from her core.

This is a very delicate time for so many of you, and it is a time where you’re doubting things that you’ve learned, and you’re calling into question when e.t. contact will occur and whether it even will occur, and that is why it is so good that you are the ones who are open to receiving energies from the likes of us, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, and all of the beings that you know of who are showing up to help humanity at all times and in all possible ways.
[Y]ou are being asked [..] to be the wayshowers and lightworkers that you were born to be. As you anchor in the energies of 11/11 through the giant portal those energies are coming in through, you are doing so for everyone on Earth, everyone throughout the galaxy.

You are doing so because you know that change starts with you, and this is a month of transformation. This is a month of great change there on Earth. It can all be change for the better if you all show up in the ways that you know how to. As those who are awake, you do have a certain responsibility to lead, and when you take care of yourselves and you stabilize your energies, and you align your chakras, you receive all the inspired ideas, and you feel ready to act upon them. That’s what’s most important in these times of uncertainty.

It is time for you all to rely more heavily on yourselves and what you can access when you stabilize your energies with the help of this 11/11 portal and with the help of all of us who exist in the higher realms and who will not leave any of you behind. This is a universal ascension, and when you are on the leading edge of it, you do understand that there is still more ascending of the human consciousness to be done.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Yeshua via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

Friends, gather near as I wish to tell you a story. A story of Earth, a story of you, of your desires, of our creation. I am, yes, your brother, you may call me Yeshi if you prefer. This is not a formal space, but an informal space and place energetically of love, of light, of the camaraderie of home.
I am your Yeshua. Be comforted in the days ahead and have no fear. Know that the old regime is crumbling down so that a new one may grow, more organically, with many hands and much light. New Earth is simply a higher vibrational space that you get to create, that we get to co-create, and what a privilege this is. Yes, there are many debates and many governments vying for control with tight fists but the time of truth and the time of the people is here now and nothing can change this. The web of light is pulsing too brightly to be dimmed. It is beautiful.
You light workers are strategically stationed all over the world, in a complex energetic map encompassing not only the ley lines but the portals, the underground damaged lines of previously sunken worlds – it is complicated. Do not doubt your placement. You are lighting up the grid wherever you go, and you are needed where you are. It is much like the great scattering of my friends and family after the cross, we left trails of light all over the globe and we spread not only our energetics but our DNA as we created new families all over the globe. There is much to learn that you will realize you are simply remembering. Isn’t that exciting? Most likely the mystery schools ring true for you, most likely many stories pull you to them as you remember more and more of who you were. Call your talents and energies of past brilliance to you and anchor them here. In this way you will be managing and pulling in all of your past, present and future selves as you anchor your higher self, your Christed self, now, in your sneakers or sandals, onto and into this earth.

Natalia Alba #magick #ufo #dunning-kruger voyages-of-light.com

As we approach the triple 888 passage, many of you will start receiving profound activations, transmissions from your soul and monad, and the healing codes required to activate your DNA and monadic twin flame, within yourself. We are now reaching the peak of all we have been healing, retrieving this eighth universal year, revealing more of who we are, and our personal mission.

Numbers are often the language in which God expresses Herself. Behind numbers are letters and light codes that give instructions to our DNA, and coordinates that activate our time codes, allowing our consciousness to travel through time and space.

This activation is now taking place in many of us, for it is time for us to reconnect to the many timelines in which we dwell. The 888 passage represents a planetary opening guarded by the White Elohim in our earth’s fabrics of time and space.
Numbers 888 represents the connection to the 8th-dimensional timelines, to our equal genetically, for it is when we initiate ourselves in the monadic dimensions that we start merging with our equal. It is in the eighth dimension where our soul records reside, and all the information we need to remember about who we are, our galactic heritage, and what we need to heal to embody our mission.

There will be many of you with Orion lineage now healing galactic wars, restoring the trauma at a monadic level, as even though now evolved, Orion experienced deep polarization, as well as many other beings within Creation who are evolving, exactly as we are now.
Pay attention to numbers, especially at this time, as when the soul awakes, it starts seeing numbers because it starts connecting to the wisdom of the Universe, which is based on numbers, geometry, and dimensions. Numbers that activate consciousness and your unique template, leading you, through synchronicity, to what you are meant to experience next.

Each of you has unique galactic, soul memories to address, heal, clear, and remove from your DNA.

Mira via Galaxygirl #crackpot #ufo #magick voyages-of-light.com

Hello dear friends, this is Mira, working full time for the Earth Ascension project, here with several of my team members. We wish for you to know that you are well watched over, and that all is rapidly proceeding according to divine order and plan. We are not privy to the entire plan of the Divine, and we are unable to display any dates for you, but we can say that dating and timing is in flux as you are ascending more rapidly than was previously anticipated. You are holding the light codes with more aplomb than your bodies were previously able to handle, and you are radiating more and more light out towards us, towards the cosmos and other aspects of your great selves.


I Mira am speaking to you. I love you. I have great tenderness in my heart for this project and many of you are my friends and family from days – lifetimes – gone past. We do not age within the time field of no time and I have known your soul’s for millinea, many of you. I come forward this night at the request of this one, to offer encouragement and a news update as best as I can. There is much that of course I cannot share but much that I can and what I see as the biggest change since my last debriefing with you, friends, is the climate of energetics that you are radiating. We see more light from the earth emanating from you to us, and we see more light holders holding more and beaming more confidently. The ascension will happen whether every one is ready for it or not and it will happen regardless of who is in charge on any political scenes below, do you see? This cannot be stopped. The light, the planets, the very astrology of the cosmos is conspiring for the will of Creator to be put in place. There is much that has shifted and improved from our perspective. The underground bases are much more cleaned out and only a few tunnels remain, but we have technology that others do not and this technology we lovingly utilize to minimize any harm and to maximize the outcome of success.

I believe you will be excited to see the progress from our side of the screen. Won’t you join us tonight? Your Pleiadian family is here for you, as are your other many space family lineages. You are never alone, far from it. You are highly watched over. Another item that has condensed is your timeframe of manifestation. It is more instant now, so be careful what you wish for, and be open for miracles for they are on their way. We can see great changes and joys ahead for humanity. I Mira send you my love. We are tirelessly working night and day for your successful ascension project completion. Blessings. Over and out.

Archangel Lufaeda via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #mammon #crackpot voyages-of-light.com

Greetings friends, I am Archangel Lufaeda, aspect of Archangel Rafael. I too embody the green light of healing, of soothing light to heal the most troubled and injured of realms within. I come forward today to lend my light of green, to your hearts and to enhance the high heart chakra systems that are more fully glowing online now within the awakened ones. The high heart is the throne of God within your hearts.
My message today has the frequencies of the angelic realm and the higher dimensional golden threads that are all around you. Some of you see the golden threads that interweave realities. Others see dots of energy that make up the matrix like this one does. The golden threads are just beyond the bouncing dots of energy-light. They are part of the breath of the angelic realm that weaves interdimensionally to assist with tying together realms with hope and light. Gold is a high frequency vibration. You all have some type of golden presence in your life whether a gold ring or in olden times gold coins were commonplace. Gold has the frequency of the higher vibrational purities and it is not only treasured for its value but treasured for the perceived scarcity of which you have been told. However gold is a very high dimensional metal and has vibrations of memories of home in the ancient societies that you have all been apart of and in the higher spirit realms there are vibrations of gold for healing and transduction purposes.

I am telling you this for your monetary system is changing and things will be going back to gold, back to the rare earth minerals. Earth is a very complex confusing place regarding money. You are learning to manifest it and this is a sore topic for many and you have had lives of lack and of plenty, of wealth and of poverty. You had wanted to experience it all. This will be changing for the abundance of the higher dimensional ways are truly all abundant and your needs will be not just met but exceeded. And all will be well.

Natalia Alba #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

We are reaching the culmen of the individual and planetary galactivation phase that we started at the beginning of this year. A year marked by the 8 universal number that now achieves its peak on the triple 888 Emerald passage. A period of wisdom integration and monadic reconstruction that many are undergoing and that our planet too is achieving.

The White Elohim planetary Guardians, the Original Creators, are supervising the Emerald retrieving that is now occurring and that will be finally concluded in the following months.
The White Elohim are working on the unification of the Earth’s grids and fabrics, bringing unity in what we call past, present, and future timelines, for our planet is now opening into a more simultaneous sense of time.

This involves a constant planetary work of inorganic timelines removal, a process many of you are supporting, as well as timekeepers, who will too be involved when the time to anchor the new earth’s codes coordinates and timelines comes.

This process has been facilitated by the energies from the 77 passage, received not just today, as it is not about one day, but during the previous months, now is its final peak. This passage, supported as well by the Elohim, Sirians, and Andromedans, as I previously shared, marks the planetary opening taking place in many of Earth’s structures, allowing the emerald return that we will witness in the 888 passage.
Many of you are now feeling the profound activation in your solar plexus, thymus, and eight-dimensional chakras, which are key body centers to embodying more life and divine force, activating our Blue Flame in the thymus, and allowing the Golden liquid crystalline light from the eight monadic chakras to descend and merge in the thymus, activating our fifth-dimensional self and reconnecting us to the soul and monadic dimensions, finally crossing the three-dimensional frequency bands and moving into more harmonic timelines.

Gatekeepers of the Lion’s Gate via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo voyages-of-light.com

(A great indigo blue glowing lion with the universe in his eyes is guarding a gate. I see a tall arched gateway that is also glowing blue. Beside him is a white lioness, who is glowing like a diamond, with slightly longer fur that is blowing in the wind. She is wearing a delicate golden crown. The male lion speaks first.)

Greetings humans in form, this is the auspicious Lion’s Gate Portal of energy streaming from the Sirius system, bathing you in higher dimensional consciousness streams of light that are invigorating those of you who are awakened to them and irritating those who are not yet able to see the light around them. The light that surrounds all things is indeed becoming more bright as the contrasts between the light and the darkness are reaching a crescendo of polarity.
(The white female lioness is speaking.) Children of earth – and of the stars – for those of you who hear my voice and read our words know that these encodements are for your ears and hearts to assist with the great unfolding. We are here for you to serve as mentors energetically. We guard the gate so that it cannot be taken over by those who are not of love. We hold the dimensional frequency of this space quadrant with tenacity and with power. These are attributes that you have but will need to dig more deeply for in the coming days. There will be much change upon Gaia. The stars and planetary alignments foretold of this time. We bear witness to your emerging from the chrysalis. <...>Multidimensionality is very powerful, which is why it had been blocked for you, so that you may experience polarity and linearity within a meatsuit as you call it.
Our bodies are space time construct with the heat of the universe pulsing within, as we are one with our creator but in feline form. You are remembering your oneness now with the great All That Is, with the great Goddess, the great Almighty Force that drives and lives and breathes through us, in us, around us.

Vrillon via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

I am Vrillon from the Ashtar Galactic Command,

Your planet has been under attack and control from Outworlders for a long time. After Annunaki left Mother Earth humankind got enslaved by different groups from Cosmos. You are waiting for your turn to ascend into higher realms. This planet is not the first one that got into the crosswords, where the civilization will either move into higher dimensions or can get eliminated by Darkness.
Right now, all of the negative and deceptive behaviors by humankind are getting exposed into the Light. Nobody can’t hide anything anymore, it will be flush out to the daylight. This is a necessary process of cleansing Gaia from negative frequencies and entities. There are no Reptilians, Dracos, Archons and etc. are left on the surface or underground of the planet.

You have only clones left with constant malfunction issues, AI, minions and Dark controllers, who are constantly exposing their mistakes they make. Warning, your Artificial Intelligence is getting stronger, as more and more humans are trying to implement it in their daily lives. The Corrupted Souls are not capable to handle the truth, when they get exposed.

The old Earth doesn’t serve anymore awaken souls. This 3D Holographic reality is like a web that doesn’t let anyone move forward, and it tries to keep everyone stuck in the same place. The Galactic Advanced Souls agreed to go through these experiences and to help humanity to move into a peaceful and a happy existence. Divine continues to remove the Dark Entities without giving them the possibility ever to reincarnate again.
Be aware of your actions and always remember to follow your soul not the ego. A whole system on Earth will be dissolved and replaced by a small groups of council, who will represent the human civilization and follow the Universal Laws by treasuring every soul. These are the final days for the Evil Masters, and it’s time to move to a new chapter in the human history.

Buddha via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #crackpot voyages-of-light.com

I am Buddha, and I am very happy to be back to share my wisdom with humankind. I was waiting for my opportunity to speak on the behalf of Ascended Masters.

We are overlooking your Ascension Process. Numerous messages by false prophets are praising everyone, on how amazing job you are doing on moving to 5D. If this is the truth, than why are you still here. They are just spreading not accurate information, which doesn’t help anyone in this important process of moving to a New Earth.
I personally spend thousands and thousands of hours on meditations to evolve from a physical being into an enlightened being. It’s not a simple task, it requires patience and daily dedication to do the required work. Humanity expects to be lifted into a higher dimension by the Light Beings. I can promise you, that is not going to happen. Your Collective Consciousness needs to reach a specific level of vibration for you to be able to move into 5D New Earth.

The fact that you are still fascinated by simple events such as Solar Flashes, Solar Flares, Magnetic Storms and etc., which have no effect at all on the Ascension Process, it tells me, that you need more time to be ready to ascend to 5D. All of these events are very common in the Cosmos and don’t help or speed up the evolutionary process of any civilization. Only silent meditations will bring harmony and peace into your life.
I am grateful for Divine leading me to receive my Nirvana. I wish the same for all of the humankind. You have an incredible opportunity to ascend with your bodies, so don’t miss out on this chance. The Advanced Souls can’t wait to leave this 3D reality, as they are tired of being here and waiting for everyone else to catch up.

Please remember, your Ascension is your responsibility. Ego needs to be let go off and be forgotten. Your soul’s responsibility is to lead you to a final destination on this planet of Ascension. Divine is working on your behalf, the same is expected from you.

Patricia Cota-Robles #fundie #magick #crackpot voyages-of-light.com

Since the Equinox on March 19, 2024, wave after wave after wave of powerful Solar Light Codes from the newly opened Portals within the System of our Grand Central Sun have been blessing the Earth. Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth have all benefited from this influx of Light in amazing and very valuable ways. Humanity’s nervous systems have been strengthened and our ability to “see with new eyes” and “hear with new ears” has been greatly enhanced as well.

At this time, we are being told by the Beings of Light that every person’s I AM Presence is now in position to help us tap into the Sacred Knowledge that will reveal what our Divine Missions will be during this NEW phase of our Ascension process. All we have to do is go within to the Divinity of our Heart Flame and ask our I AM Presence to reveal this profound Truth to us.

Prior to the March Equinox, a Matrix was formed in the Realms of Cause through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth. The Divine Intent of this Matrix is to bring to the surface of each person’s conscious mind the realization that NOW is the time for all of us to clearly perceive the reality of our NEW Divine Missions.


Now, through the power of the Spoken Word and enhanced by the Divine Intervention of the Angel of Resurrection and the Angel of Renewal and Restoration I decree:

I AM the Resurrection and the Life, the Renewal and the Restoration of the Immaculate Concept of my NEW Divine Mission.

I accept that I AM my I AM Presence. I AM a Beloved Child of God. I AM a Disciple of the Holy Spirit. I AM the Open Door for the Light of God that no one can shut.


I AM charging All Life in, through and around the Earth with the full power and might of the 5D Resurrection Flame and the Flame of Renewal and Restoration.

I AM the Cause of this Blessing. I AM the Bridge over which this Sacred Fire flows. I AM the final effect of Divinity reestablished on Earth by this Sacred Fire.

And I AM Cocreating the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth in all of its resplendent Glory in the physical World of form. And so it is, as God in Action,


Dear One, God Bless You. I look forward to being with you next week.

Meg Benedicte #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

According to the Cosmic Ascension Plan that AA Metatron is orchestrating, 2024 is the year Ascension becomes physical.
The physical phase of the Cosmic Plan was set into motion on December 12, 2019…a life-changing 12:12:12 Ascension activation. On this day, the bifurcation of the two global timelines commenced, initiating a world-wide pandemic ‘healing crisis’. During the Shutdown, the world came to a halt, withdrawing from external stimulation, noise and distraction. It was a pause in stillness!

The global pause provided an opportunity for everyone to turn within, to reflect and review, look beneath the surface. To deal with stuff. To process buried trauma. To face the fears! The Cosmic Plan created an opening to choose the new future timeline.

For it is in the quiet stillness, the null-zone pulse of zero point, that you can unlock your mind from the matrix simulation and consciously choose to shift into the new Ascension Timeline. The world is receiving galactic support as we transition from living in a dark global web of mental/emotional fear programming and the collective frequency fence of time density.
As an angelic guardian of Gateways, I’ve been called since 2012 to clean, clear and prepare certain earth chakra portals for the activation of Ascension Gates. These are stellar doorways opening between the realms for incoming Ascension energies to infuse Gaia’s field and transform our physical realities.
We are entering the powerful year-end cosmic events occurring between Nov 11 and Dec 24. The galactic Light is illuminating the upcoming interdimensional portals. Mark your calendar…I will be guiding gateway activations on each of these dates:

1) 11-11 Ascension Gateway
2) 11-19 Pluto enters Aquarius till 2043
3) 12-12 Galactic Center Gateway
5) 12-21 Solstice Gateway

Queen An-Ra via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

I am Queen An-Ra, the leading Council of the Planetary InterGalactic Coalition, which already reached over 1000 Galactic Civilizations. They desire to live in peace and harmony without a long lasting Galactic Wars. Anubis leads the fleet, and he is helping some of them with their urgent matters.
I was ready to help your civilization to evolve and not to get enslaved by the Dark Entities. You were not ready to accept my assistance, as you were not interested and instead you were following false Gods. Now, you can see the results of the wrong choices made by your human civilization. You ended up being controlled, and you are told on how to live your lives. When Cleopatra was ruling Egypt, humans were blessed and lived good lives. Your history portraying her as a power hungry and a corrupt person, that is false information.

I send my daughter to your planet to help prosper and advance your civilization in a right direction to higher dimensions. During her lifetime Egypt experienced incredible growth and development in many areas even things like soap, toothpaste, and beauty treatments were created. She accepted her task to help humanity to go in a positive direction.

Sometimes, I landed on with one of my spaceships on the pyramid, which were built with the purpose as a landing place. The teleportation and communication device in a form of a ring was given to Cleopatra in case, she needed our assistance or wanted to come back to our reality. The ring was made from gold, and it had a red stone. Her desire to fulfill her mission on your planet was stronger than her caring for her own safety.
Darkness is portraying historical facts purposely incorrectly to hide the real facts about your planet’s age and truthful events that happened on Gaia. Also, Cleopatra didn’t take her own life, actually she was poisoned by the Dark Minions. After her physical death, I took her human body out of this reality, as I didn’t want for humans to find her body.

Natalia Alba #magick #ufo #quack voyages-of-light.com

Many of you are now immersed in a phase of profound density emancipation, which is going to be an important part of our inner work next year.

As my Guides shared, density emancipation is a process of losing density from our physical bodies that many of you will be undergoing, as you have finally crossed the veils of illusion, healing trauma, and soul fragmentation.
Many of us have suffered pain, go to the doctor, and find nothing was wrong at all, at a medical level, as we always need to make sure nothing further is taking place in our bodies.

This is also a clear sign that the process of losing density has been initiated and that we need to take further steps towards keeping our bodies healthy and flexible, while this process lasts, knowing it is an organic transition we have chosen and we need to embrace it and deal with it as gracefully as we can, as ascension is not always about pain and symptoms, for there is also joy, stabilization and many blessings that come too with this journey.

This process can be especially challenging for those of you who also have some physical issues such as arthritis, arthrosis, multiple sclerosis, and fibromyalgia. There are many other painful conditions not listed here that will too make this process even more complex and painful. When this occurs, we need to include new healing tools or natural remedies to support our bodies.

Sound therapy, acupuncture, organic supplements, programming specific crystals to aid our bodies, such as muscovite, which Guides share is an excellent one to support physical ascension, and many other tools such as swimming, and light immersion exercises will support our bone structure while they are under this process, which is a lifetime one.
2025, a year my Guides named the year of mental liberation, as Pluto in Aquarius confirms, density emancipation, as we are all feeling in our bodies, as we continue to ascend, and above all, soul freedom from our three-dimensional plane.

Natalia Alba #magick #ufo #quack voyages-of-light.com

As we continue integrating the massive stellar transmissions that are constantly descending upon our planet, many of you may feel extreme fatigue and other similar sensations. There are many physical sensations that we may have during this Sol-AR embodiment period that invite us to scan our bodies and see where we can create more balance and healing. All physical sensations we may have give us a message from our bodies of what we need to address at this time.

Many of you are undergoing chakra transfiguration, monadic integration, walk-in experiences, and many other inner processes that may collapse the energetic channels of our bodies. The amalgamation of so many energies is not an easy process to experience, which is why my Guides shared how we integrate the energies, as it follows a unique and very exact procedure since we embody them, in our bodies, focusing on the fascia, and how we can help build a stronger energetic system to feel more harmonic within this intense wave.
Fascia are layers of connective tissue that reside behind our skin, our largest external body organ. Its function is to provide support to the muscles, organs, nerves, tendons, and joints. It is a net that runs throughout our body and that is vital for our well-being.

In ascension, the fascia is in charge of sensors, transmitting information through them and hence to our energetic layers, and subtle non-physical bodies. It is seen as a white net that passes throughout the entire body, and when we are dehydrated or do not take proper care of our body, it gets imbalanced, causing stiffness feelings, and fatigue.
When there is soul disconnection, there is also damage in our fascia, for we are not receiving the light transmissions from our main organic source, our soul, monad, and God Self, but from outer ones, and then we too create mitochondria anomalies.

Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick voyages-of-light.com

(I am seeing a group of nine golden beings. A tall golden woman with long hair is speaking to me. They are all stunningly beautiful and wearing golden togas with golden adornments.) Beautiful humans, we are the Golden Ones of Time and of No Time. We speak from beyond time space, from beyond the templates and constructs of your reality, from beyond your dreams we exist. We exist within the breath of the All, of the golden thought of creation. For there is much to create in this now and we see some of you having some difficulty with the creation process within these energies of late. These energies have been kept from your world for a while now as vibrationally things were not in alignment. But now that your earth body is within this celestial quadrant of vibrational codices much can and will change. We see this altering as being made manifest as crystalline within and without your fields. Gaia’s codices are changing to more of a crystalline, in fact she is already crystalline.
We are the Golden Ones of Time and of No Time here to lend our vibrational assistance. We are made of the vibrational frequencies of gold as you understand it and of the energy of purity behind the gold, as it is the original of Source code within physical form made manifest. The creation code has much of the feeling of gold in it and as such is is valued for its creative properties all over the multiverse. There is something special in itself of gold. Many metals of course are needed within the physical plane but gold is universally accepted as set apart, as special. (I am seeing a goldsmith craft a variety of beautiful objects out of gold).
We are the Golden Ones of Time and No Time. We salute you to your success.

(Submitter’s note: Extremely repetitive even for Galaxygirl; Gold/gold occurs slmost forty times, not counting tags and headings.)

Queen An-Ra via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

I am Queen An-Ra, the leading Council of the Planetary InterGalactic Coalition. Recently, I resigned from the New Earth High Council. The position was given to the right person, you are going to find out in the near future, who replaced me.

I want to concentrate on our new alliance expansion, which reaches now over 1000 Galactic civilizations. All of them have the desire to live in peace and harmony without a long lasting Galactic Wars. Anubis has been directly leading the fleet and helping other civilizations with urgent matters.
Your confusion indicates to us, that not enough spiritual work is being done on a daily basis of doing silent meditations and letting go of the Matrix’s attachments, such as materialistic things, judgements, greed and etc. The suppression of the truth is not going to speed up your transition to a New Earth. Ascended Masters accepted the Divine Truth, and this is why they got enlightenment,

This is very important step in a spiritual development into higher dimensions. Being attached to the 3D Matrix and spreading lies, deceptions and being confused is not going to open the road to a paradise. Living in fear and trusting false information coming from the minions, it’s only slowing down the transition. They have planted their Dark minions everywhere, who constantly confuse humanity.

They are not going to be rewarded for their negative behavior with Ascension, it’s the opposite, they are going to loose their chance to move to a higher dimension, and they will be transferred to the 3D planet Zenxa. Recognizing the real truth is a part of your graduation from the 3D reality. The old planet’s shell will be returned to the original state of molecules, New Earth is waiting for you in 5D.
Divine is crushing their Dark agendas. Nothing is working for them, and it will never work. My Dear Humans, stay always focused and connected with your soul by doing daily silent meditations. Your 3D holographic illusion is coming to the end.

Patricia Cota-Robles #ufo #magick #fundie voyages-of-light.com

Now, as One Voice, One Heartbeat, One Breath and One Consciousness of Pure Divine Love I invoke our Father-Mother God and the great Beings of Light from our Grand Central Sun who are assisting Awakening Humanity to Cocreate the patterns of perfection for Divine Government on this blessed Planet.

I also invoke the Majestic Goddesses of Liberty, Justice, Freedom, Victory, Glory and Oneness who are holding the sacred space for the tangible manifestation of Divine Government in every country in the World. Beloved Ones come forth now.
Joining them in the atmosphere of Earth are the Silent Watchers, the Mighty Guardians and ALL of the Beings of Light who are assisting Humanity at this time from the Heavenly Realms as we empower the Immaculate Concept of Divine Government on Planet Earth.
I now invoke the great Beings of Divine Government associated with the Grand Central Sun and the Galactic Beings guarding the evolutions of this Planet, to blaze the Sacred Fires of God’s Will, Comprehensive Divine Love and Divine Enlightenment in, through and around the electorate, the candidates and all governmental officials in the United States of America.

Let them feel the Power and Love Nature of our Father-Mother God and their I AM Presence flowing through them as they VOTE and elect their candidates at national, state and local levels. Allow this Divine Intervention to be present as well when they VOTE on ALL issues before them.
I now SEAL this invocation in the Divine Will and Comprehensive Divine Love of our Father-Mother God. And I DECREE through all levels of Consciousness:


And So It Is, Beloved I AM. Beloved I AM.
Beloved I AM That I AM.

Artemis via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

Children of the flame, of the bow, of the arrow, I am Artemis. The ascension changes are coming upon you quickly now as the thinning of the veils between worlds grows impossibly thin. Your reality is changing rapidly as these separations that you took for granted no longer remain. Hence you will begin to see through the illusions of the computer, of the shape shifter, of the skin walker. You will see them. And they will see you. This is part of the revelations and realizations that humanity will understand and experience as they realize they are in a computer game, a very sophisticated one but a program nonetheless.

You who are awake are aware of these. For how else could Source devise a way to experience the many divisions of itself within a lower dimensional matrix? It was never designed to be this dark but at the same time it has heralded a vast smorgasbord of experiences, of pain yes but of intense pleasure and joy as well. You are here embodied to make sure this goes right. I am coming forth tonight on the night of the goddess as her moon rises full, to remind you of all that is possible and to keep your eyes on your mark. Your mark is ascension. Your mark is not pleasure, or money or pain.
I am Artemis. Remember your aim, prepare your bow. Grease the cord, ready your arrows. This is not the place for shaky breath and weak hands. This is the time of the warrior and this time is now returned. It is a long time coming and it is finally here. We goddesses have been waiting for our handpicks to remember to speak, to fully embody themselves. You are about to remember more fully day by day who you truly are. The goddesses and gods returned, filled with the Christed light, filled with the alchemical codes of the Druids, of the origins of the beginning, with the fabric of life and the codes of it flowing through you most readily, just like they used to in the days of creation when you assisted with this project.

Meg Benedicte #magick #ufo voyages-of-light.com

On Thursday, June 20 we celebrate the annual Solstice, when the sun ‘stands still’ in zero point energy. It is the stillness between our past and our future. It is the longest day of light in the northern hemisphere and the ‘return of Light’ in the southern hemisphere. While the cosmic gateway is open, we will embrace the power of Light!
There is an increasing upswell of heart alignment occurring as we prepare for the rare 888 LionsGate on August 8th. Ruled by the Sun, Leo emphasizes the divine spark at the heart of our solar system…and within each one of us. There is a great shift occurring in the field, a growing swell of loving compassion as heart-centered living beings. This infusion of heart expansion is changing the world paradigm.
What no longer harmonizes with universal truth and order is dissolving.

We are approaching a tipping point in the human collective, as we spiral higher and higher. When we join together and stand in the zero point field of creation, our presence ignites the quantum possibilities to materialize our visions and intentions for the new paradigm.

We are the alchemists initiating new consciousness codes and templates for a higher dimensional world reality. This is our gift to Gaia and humanity. This is how we fulfill our soul mission.

Calling all New Earth Wayshowers, Light Beings and Alchemists from all around the world to gather on Thursday, June 20th for the Solstice Gateway Activations.

Let’s join AA Metatron in the alchemical zero point field of all creation and serve our Soul mission to ignite the new future timeline. We will perform both personal and planetary activations during the show. As we join in the galactic gateway, we have an opportunity to flood the field with love.

Judith Kusel #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

After the pyramid keys and codes were activated I was called upon to work with the teams of the Intergalactic Federation on the full activations of all the pyramids on earth.

Then my attention drawn in powerful ways to the Uxmal pyramid of the Magician in Yutucan, Mexico. It was buzzing with energy linking directly to Giza but also to Arizona, and the western parts of America, plus Mount Shasta, which in turn links it to Mu, yet much older through the Olmecs and to Africa and Lion Kingdom and the first Supercontinent. North America was attached to Africa then, as there was no Atlantic ocean at that time.

Its original builders were same megalithic ones of the Lion Kingdom. However it was later destroyed and then rebuilt.

This pyramid is immensely important, for it links all other pyramids in South and North America together, and its twin is still hidden in Colombia, South America, as I was shown.

This results in all the hidden pyramids being activated in USA and the energy will have a ripple effect on the whole cosmic energy being released from today and next week and thereafter. It is shifting everything, as this pyramid links with Mount Shasta and the megalithic sites in Montana, Colorado, Utah, etc. And Canada, west coast.

Note that the Grand Canyon had much higher water levels and once there stood a thriving city of gold, where the Egyptian and now Asian interaction was an everyday occurrence as one still had spacecraft then.

Thus a huge awakening!

I am being told that this will amp up, even as the whole pyramid energy grids are fully activated and that the first will start in this area and then Mu where new landmass arises and connects with the pyramids in Pacific, even as Giza and those in Africa and Antarctica are activating the rest.

This is a purification in the highest degree, as when a very important initiation takes place, before the soul can ascend into much higher degrees of consciousness.

The hour is now.

The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton #ufo #crackpot voyages-of-light.com

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very capable of seeing down many different timelines simultaneously, because we exist in the ninth dimension, and we can see the various timelines that are in front of each of you who are receiving these messages. We know that new timelines are created when you get imaginative. When you go beyond the beliefs of those around you and those who have come before you. We know that you are very creative, in fact, and capable of reaching for the stars, quite literally. Many of you are wondering when ships will land all across the planet, and you wonder that with the idea that it is set in stone right now.


If you align with a version of the human collective that is ready for full and open e.t. contact next year, then you will have that experience. But if you look around and say, ‘These other humans aren’t ready,’ then you stay stuck on that timeline. It is up to you. Think better of your fellow humans and of yourselves. Rather than focusing on your flaws and your foibles, focus on how far you’ve come, how much potential there is within each and every one of you, and focus on the love that you are and the love that exists in every other human being. And while you’re at it, focus on the truth that all beings throughout the galaxy are love. They are Source Energy.

And sure, many of them have acted in ways that are much less than what you would expect from a Source Energy Being, but that just means you get to have the experience of forgiving them. You get to see the best in every being. That’s your choice; that’s the choice that will feel best to you when you make it. There really is no other choice, because you must make that choice in order to be who you really are, and being who you really are is where all roads lead to. You are all going home to Source; you are all there to remember who you really are.

So don’t forget that.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

Judith Kusel #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

We are the midst of a super-quantum shift, and this is going to escalate into the next year or so.

To me this is ultimate awakening, to the truth of who and what we are – in truth, as all the shackles and bonds which held us prisoner for so long, now totally fall off.
Often things will surface from the deepest subconscious which needs its final release, and this is not only to do with my own soul and soul connections, but with ancestral patterns, with oaths, contracts, vows, etc. as well as country and world patterns, as my soul is called to do so. This is immensely freeing. One sees the shackles, the bonds, the pain, shame, and guilt of generations after generations falling off and you see how humanity was c****t in this whole network, and now finally can break free.

I have witnessed this here in Africa and in France, Greece and Egypt, where I so often was called to, to release souls, and more than this, to clear the energy vortices, and lines and then found all the atrocities humanity has ever been able to create, which also means half-man/half-beast and the robots the Atlanteans created and who later turned on their own creators.
This said, we are now in the New Earth and in the fifth dimension, as this has now been fully anchored in.
Do not be surprised when you start to see and live multi-dimensionality now. Do not be surprised, if you suddenly start to find that you have talents, abilities and knowledge which seemingly is coming from nowhere, when in truth, it is your own soul which is now finally freed to express your true soul talents and abilities you have had, since you first were born as soul.
It all starts there within your heart and soul, and truth of who and what you are in truth. Your heart is womb where the seeds prosper and grow in love, and with love.

Let co-create the new from the depths of our hearts and soul and all our true Being, and truly usher in the New Golden Age

Patricia Cota-Robles #magick #ufo #crackpot voyages-of-light.com

Our Father-Mother God have given us a powerful activity of Light that has been building in momentum for several years with every Holy Breath we take. The Divine Intent of this Celestial assistance is to help our I AM Presence, our Silent Watcher and our Body Elemental to accelerate the Divine Alchemy taking place within our Earthly Bodies. Now that we have Ascended into the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun this opportunity has been exponentially amplified.

All we have to do to receive the full benefit of this Gift from On High is to allow our I AM Presence and our 5th-Dimensional Silent Watcher and Body Elemental to download these exquisite Crystalline Solar Light patterns into the Core of Purity in every electron of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies.
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every Son and Daughter of God embodied on Mother Earth. I AM One with my Father-Mother God, I AM One with the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns beyond Suns, I AM One with the entire Company of Heaven, and I AM One with all of the Beings of Light associated with the Elemental Kingdom and the Angelic Kingdom. I AM also One with every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of energy comprising Humanity’s Earthly Bodies and all of the spaces in between these atomic and subatomic particles and waves of energy.
My 5D Crystalline Physical Solar Light Body is composed of Crystalline Cells that are absorbing the Twelve 5D Crystalline Solar Aspects of Deity from the Infinite Universe and assimilating this Crystalline Light into the atoms and molecules that form each cell in my Physical Body. I AM my I AM Presence Inbreathing, absorbing, expanding and projecting the fullness of this Crystalline Light into my flesh vehicle. Every cell of my body is becoming a Crystalline Cell. This amazing influx of Light is generating unexplored levels of limitless Physical Perfection, Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth, Radiant Beauty and God’s Infinite Bliss.

Eclipse via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

Greetings friends. I am here with you. My energies have been felt and will be felt for some time. For I am all around you. I am the energies of the 4/8/2024 eclipse here with you now. Welcome yourself into my embrace and know that after my presence is made known nothing will be as it was before. The dark ones are trying to harness my energy. My energy, my presence is not one to be harnessed but to be welcomed, observed, and honored.
You may greet me in your skies on the morrow, with great joy and reverence, reverence not for myself but for yourself for you are within the human form, a great honor, and witnessing me, which is bearing witness to the greatness of yourself. You are all great, every one of you, Source in form. It is time to renew the energies of this realm that has been changed and downplayed from base 12 to base 10, for it is not a renewable place where you are, which is part of the problem, which is why your energies have been consistently siphoned away from yourself, away from the trueness of yourself to the deception of the greed.
Much truth and understanding will be increased manyfold. The monoliths are aligned with me, they are harmonizing the crystals while I am harmonizing the hearts of the humans who are perhaps a little more open than they were a bit ago.
I am the energies of the Eclipse of 4/8/2024. I see you, as my plasma light codes are heightened, as the ring of fire fills the energies of the entire planet know that all is well. Source is in control of this project which is why you are here.
The demons that have been unleashed are simply trying to create more havoc, for the soul of a human is a valuable one. Do not let them in your house. Do not let them in your awareness. Command them to leave you and they must. Do not be afraid. There are many scare tactics in the works but none of them are true, in that only Source is true and you have been living in an immersive holographic matrix and so the truth has been so twisted.

Natalia Alba #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

As ascending souls many of you find yourselves immersed in a phase of galactic lineage clearing. Since the end of February, the energies that our planet is receiving are helping us to unify polarities, healing our galactic lineage, and DNA anomalies, recalibrating our light bodies, and creating more stabilization, so we can regain wholeness and harmony.
During this time of soul remembrance, many whose masculine essence has been damaged are now awakening to their galactic traumas related to their wounded masculine, for this is what the collective, and our planet is now healing, during these months of female-masculine reconstruction, as an essential task to reach planetary unity.

Seraphim and Orion’s descendants, both originating from the Gold Flame of Creation, are also starting to awaken to who they are, clearing their galactic war memories from eons ago of our current time when Orion’s civilization fought a war over consciousness. The majority of them are now evolved and they are helping many who are now awakening to their Orion memories, helping them clear their galactic Orion monadic memories, and awakening the Orion codes within, to help them heal the masculine essence and mental bodies, so they can fulfill their purpose.
As you know, our masculine essence is connected to our sixth-dimensional shoulder blade portal, experiencing now in many a major activation, as well as many other important body channels, creating a complex we need to heal for the masculine pillar to be restored.
As ascending souls our main aim is to create more harmony within and without, for we came here to serve as loving and harmonic emissaries of the Divine.

Our mission is to be neutral compassionate witnesses, acting as healing pillars anywhere we go, for the unique codes within our blueprint seed the unification that one day we will see in our planet, and that is already unfolding in the future fifth-dimensional parallel earth.

Natalia Alba #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

Our Guardians the White Elohim are supporting the biological shift that is taking place in our DNA and that the earth’s elementals are too undergoing, for we are All shifting and evolving as species.

We have been constantly receiving Solar plasmatic and Aurora transmissions together with the Emerald ones that have triggered the planetary change that many of us are now witnessing, behind the physical scenes.

The White Elohim are re-encrypting the original template of our planet, as it continues relocating itself in a harmonic fifth-dimensional plane. We were created in their image, as divine sovereign beings, as well as planet Earth, all in perfect resonance and alignment, and they are now assisting us to retrieve our authentic template through restoring the trinity on our planet.
Many of you are awakening to your lineage, and remembrance of your galactic family, reconnecting to the White Elohim, and activating your purpose as planetary transmuters, by assisting to retrieve the organic essence in All, for we are now being bombarded with false technology like AL, etc., which is a new tactic together with that of cloning what is authentic, to distort what is divine in essence.
We are undergoing a massive planetary retrieval that will take time to be completed. Still, we are already seeing the retrieval of many 3D earth’s structures, becoming crystalline ones and being realigned to their corresponding dimensions, for the exchange of information and hence communication between the many God Planes that exist is Law, and we are now retrieving our divine right to be in contact with All That Is, and all the false timelines are gradually being dismantled.

The White Elohim are working with many of you on genetic realignments and recoding on our planet, for its original blueprint was non-benevolently intentionally distorted.

Liberty #crackpot #magick voyages-of-light.com

There are no more secrets! You can instantly know everything you need.

The magnetic grid holds the power that is yours in its right. Now is the time to reclaim the power that you have left behind in the grid as a result of your many incarnations on planet Earth. Yes, the grid remembers and knows everything about you! It stores this knowledge for yourself. So that one day you also remember everything about yourself and become who you really are.

All you have to do is be fragmented! It is enough not to remember ourselves and not to know our strength. Now you can, figuratively speaking, put yourself together piece by piece into a single whole. Now you have nothing to hide your power from yourself.


Because the grid has a honeycomb structure, you can visualize the cell of the honeycomb that you align with your energy field – and thereby connect to the grid. You can simply visualize the filaments of golden light connecting you to the Cosmos. You can imagine yourself in a pillar of golden light – and thereby come into contact with the grid. Dear ones, whatever and however you imagine, it will work if your visualization is combined with your intention.

Remember, the grid is your means of communication with God and the higher dimensions. It is a means of connecting everyone with everyone – each person with everyone. This is a means of communication between you and yourself! Discover the possibilities of the grid – now there are no limits to it. And you will discover how much is now available to you – as much as has never been before in the history of mankind

Patricia Cota-Robles #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com


August 8, 2024 = 888
The Opening of the Triple-Infinity of the 888 Lion’s Gate will take place August 8th, 2024. This is the final Celestial event the Company of Heaven will escort us through prior to the 38th World Congress on Illumination which will take place August 10t-15, 2024.
Mary Magdalene’s service to the Light also prepares Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her for the pinnacle of the Opening of the Lion’s Gate which occurs on August 8th, 8/8, every year. The year 2024 also pulsates with the number eight, so we will experience a Triple-Infinity 888 Lion’s Gate Portal.

During the opening of the Lion’s Gate the Earth aligns with Sirius and Leo and a new cycle of Time and Space begins. During this auspicious time, the Company of Heaven is reminding us of what they revealed when we Birthed this New Decade. They said that during the next ten years Humanity will change the course of history for Mother Earth and ALL her Life.
In 2020, due to the monumental shifts that had taken place since the Birth of the New Decade and the forced Global Planetary Pause we were experiencing due to Covid-19, on August 8th, as the Opening of the Lion’s Gate reached its pinnacle, our Father-Mother God Breathed Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her through the original Lion’s Gate that pulsates above the Pyramid in Giza Egypt into the much higher frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Lion’s Gate that pulsates in the atmosphere above the 5D New Earth.
As we pass through the Portal of the 5th-Dimensional Lion’s Gate, every person’s fully integrated I AM Presence has been given permission by our Father-Mother God to liberate the Heart-based patterns encoded within the Divine Wisdom and Sacred Knowledge in our Twelve Solar Strands of 5th-Dimensional DNA. This will pave the way for the I AM Presence of every person to liberate us into the Harmony of a Higher Order of Being.

Kenneth Schmitt #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyages-of-light.com

We can now realize that we are graduating from lives involved in an illusory matrix of confusing and low-vibration negative energy. Those who control that realm live in constant fear and synthetic light, which has moved them to seek power over humanity. Now we can recognize their role in our experiences to challenge us, requiring us to look deeper into our hearts and recognize that we are powerful Beings who cannot be controlled, once we know who we truly are.

In the game of consciousness that we are all participating in, everyone has chosen a role to act out. Some have chosen to be victims, and some have chosen to be evil controllers. Everyone has a pre-determined role, defined by the vibrations of our state of being. But we are not confined to our roles. We can change them at any time by changing our vibrations, the way we think about ourselves and what we believe is true.
When we are deprived of Self-knowledge, we subject ourselves to hatred and dread of the evil ones. The only way we can know how to live under their conditions is to follow our heart. We can look deeply into our intuition and feel what resonates with us as love, joy, peace and compassion. We can go with those feelings and know that we are infinitely powerful creator Beings—fractals of the divine Creator and possessing all of the attributes of the Creator in our true Self. Without giving our power away to the psychopaths and enabling them to function destructively by using our life-force, our light, without our true conscious permission, we can recognize that they need the life force inherent in our fear in order to survive. If we withdraw our attention from their threats and intimidation, we can transform our experiences into love and joy, especially when we can feel it with full confidence. This is when the energy of life rises to a higher octave in resonance. Everything changes to align with that energy, life becomes wonderful, and we are on the path of mastery.

Archangel Michael via James McConnell #fundie #crackpot #magick voyages-of-light.com

I am Archangel Michael. I come to be with you at this time, at this amazing time of change that you are moving into at this point. Change that many of you have been expecting for quite some time but have been largely discouraged because it hasn’t happened yet.

Those things that you are expecting to happen, that you have heard will happen, will indeed happen, but not on your timeframe, not on the timeframe of the people of the earth, but on divine time, divine happening.

What is approaching is a divine happening that you are moving into. I speak now, yes, of that solar eclipse that you have spoken of in your discussion earlier.

And this is a momentous occasion that is about to happen. Not so much the solar flash, but a prelude to the solar flash. Just as the solar eclipse in the 2017 was a prelude to this solar eclipse. One is leading to the other and to the other and to the other.


A doorway opening up into a higher realm of consciousness, of moving closer and closer to the oneness that you all are seeking, into the higher level of life and the freedom that you are all looking toward.


As the Prime Creator, the Source of this universe stepped forward and said enough is enough. And has put forth the energy and the effort to bring about the changes that are needed to bring light from the shadows.

And this is what is represented by your solar eclipse. The shadow moving over and the light overtaking the shadow once again. But the light that comes forward after the shadow is a new higher level of light, a new higher level of energy that will spring forth.


I am Archangel Michael and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness and that you will continue to understand that this is all part of the miracle that is ahead for all of us.