(Frank Jones)
Many people accept the idea and openly say without fear that East Asians are, on average, more intelligent than other races. The only issue is when someone suggests that Whites are on average more intelligent than blacks. That is the data point that drives them wild with hysterical rage. Anyone even hinting that this might be true, and therefore explaining so much of what goes on in our society, is labelled a Nazi. We live in a racial fantasyland which is every bit as totalitarian in guarding its main ideology as any totalitarian regime in history.
(Robert Kelly)
It's ok to say that whites are worse than other groups. Why are more white men in prison rather than Asian men? If you say that white men commit more crime, everyone shrugs their shoulders and move on.
If you say that black men are better dancers and have more rhythm than white men, everyone accepts it and laughs about how corny and dorky YT is.
If someone says that black women are the pinnacle of beauty and white women are "cave beasts", that's perfectly fine. If you show data that proves that young white women, particularly those of northern and eastern European descent tend to be the most sought after, that's racism and oppressive western beauty standards.
See how that works?
Wherever these "white vs. black" comparisons come up, I just substitute "Asian" for "white", and make it "Asian vs. black". It disarms the other side.
Tariq Nasheed will then say that Asians are "honorary whites". So there's that.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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