Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Alejandro Mayorkas warrants impeachment for incompetence, dereliction of duty and gross negligence.

Most of Biden's admin comes from Clown World but Mayorkas takes the clown cake.

@DrPaulGosar In Mayorkas' country he supports a militarized border and 27' solid concrete wall.

In our country he wants an "Open Borders" free-for-all.

@DrPaulGosar And obviously Myorkas is Jewish. A pre-requisite to be in the Biden antiwhite regime.

@WhiteLightKnight @DrPaulGosar Irish, Italian and Jewish reluctance at fully assimilate led to politicians like FDR, which led to the Hart Celler act, which has led to many, or almost all, of America's current problems

@RAFisherFrog @DrPaulGosar Hahaha! That's right, it's the Irish and Italians fault. More pathetic wedge tactics from antiwhites. You really have nothing new, do you? Antiwhiteism is finished. I would advise you to go and assimilate in Israel.

@DrPaulGosar the globalists are filling those positions with incompetent people on purpose, over decades those in this government made laws and regulations that chased our factories to China, gave incentives to leave, everything they are doing now is destroying America, this is a globalist attack on America , they want Xi’s communist style one world government. It’s sabotage, and treason. But nobody stops them, nor will anybody in government positions come out and say it.

@DrPaulGosar Mayorkas like most of the Biden administration are jewish.

@The_Nose @DrPaulGosar Must be nice to have a backup country with nuclear bombs after you are done looting

@DrPaulGosar I would add treason, since this administration is actively and literally waging war on America.



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