It is not a pleasant topic, and I notice that prophecy speakers don't bring it up, but the Jews during the Great Tribulation are destined to be eaten literally by the twisted followers of Satan. If you are not born again, and if you are a Gentile, you WILL one day think it is cool to eat Jews. You will go to eat out and relish hamburgers and steaks of Jew. I think this is a good enough reason to consider coming to the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance and seeking His salvation. You can avoid this certain destiny. So, read the following and consider the future.
Chapter and verse, you sick piece of pig excrement!
"Up next . . . A pig that refuses to eat Jews?" Tom Tucker, Family Guy.
Hey, Jew, Christian, Muslim, makes no difference to me if I'm hungry enough. I'm all about equal opportunity.
"If you are not born again, and if you are a Gentile, you WILL one day think it is cool to eat Jews"[/] I think its safe to say that there is not a single person in all the history who liked eating jews. Where the FUCK do you get your info from?
Either a complete nutjob or a poe.
I think it's save to say that the only person in favour of Jew-eating was the big JC himself...
"And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood" - Matthew 26
Cannibalism for Jesus, indeed.
Hmmmm... don't the catholics eat Jesus every sunday? I know they use a wafer in lieu of the flesh, but still...
Oh wait... i forgot that catholics aren't christians. My bad... [/sarcasm]
It's funny. Cannibalism is not a natural tendency, ONLY IN EXTREME CIRCUMSTANCES. So, in that case, what do we care if they're Jewish, Muslims or unrepentant Christians?. And incidentally, if they wanna it so much, why is that that the only ones who defended Jewish during WWII were progressive Christians or non-Christians?
IF a god exists at all
IF it's your particular god
IF the bible is literally true
IF your interpretation of the bible verses are right
THEN you may be right.
For this challenge you'll need an inquisitive, rigorous mind... oh. right.
You fail.
Solent Green is in fact Jewish people..
The Jewish people of Israel should be very concerned that these nutcases are supporting Israel because Jews with become burgers.. and are not allowed into their heaven.
I notice that you don't cite chapter or verse. And that you label all non-Jews and non-Christians (of your denomination, right?) as "followers of Satan."
Kinda hard to follow something you don't believe in, isn't it?
"Well, there is Soylent Cola..."
"How is it?"
"It varies, from person to person."
Well then, I am glad I switched over to paganism...
Wait... What? If your mom was Jewish then you are in for life no matter what? FUCK!! Screwed again!
The best bit .., 'you WILL one day think it is cool to eat Jews'. I can just picture some bad after school special ...
'Gee whizz, I don't know guys'
'Aaaw come on Timmy, it's cool to eat Jews. We're all doing it.'
'Well maybe just a leg'
'Gee whizz, I'm going broke. I need an accountant to help me balance my budget'
'But Timmy, there are no accountants left. You've eaten them all.'
'Nooo, come back Jews, come back!!'
The Biblical "evidence" that Steve Van Nattan shows for this cannibalistic interpretation, later down on the page, is a riot.
Every single passage in the Bible that mentions one of God's chosen people being "devoured" or "consumed" by his enemies, he interprets as meaning that the Jews will be literally eaten.
Psalm 16:4, Psalm 44:22, Psalm 14:4, Jeremiah 51:34, Proverbs 30:14, Micah 3:2-3, Revelation 16:6 -- it doesn't matter WHAT the verse in question actually says, any mention of consumption or devourment or blood-drinking is taken literally.
"What a nice day. I am certainly not a born-again Christian. Ooh, I could totally go for some Jewburgers right about now.", can't see it happening.
I have a hard enough time eating pigs, chicken, cows, moose and reindeer. If it weren't for filet's and minced meat, I would have become a vegetarian loooong ago.
You will go to eat out and relish hamburgers and steaks of Jew.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, kosher fooooood.
But will I have to put relish on them?
And Jew Ham burgers?
Might they not be Jew Berg-ers?
OK, I'll stop now.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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