"James" A sock puppet troll #fundie mediamatters.org
(On a discussion about Sean Hannity's meltdown over the ACA repeal failing. "James" appeared and began giving up these gems of wingnuttery:)
• a few seconds ago
Illegal alien, Apolinar Altamirano, killed, American, Grant Ronnebeck, 21, over 2 packs of cigarettes. Altamirano had an extensive criminal record.
Thank you liberals, anything degenerate will do. Another fellow American brutally murdered, you have blood on your hands. More liberal material, so you can fist yourself into orgåsm.
Nicolas Embertson, liberal teenage thief who thought others folks property belonged to him, was shot by correct thinker David Pettersen & killed. Mr. Pettersen only got 90 days in jail for killing the filthy degenerate depraved diseased disgusting pig liberal.
That pic your kind are talking about, was my brother & his wife. They work at the McMudro scientific research station at the south pole. Your kind aren't welcome there.
Sissy boy cum laden queer you are, maybe after your two dads are done with you, astro might want to bottom you. Make sure you lick your shit from his cøck afterwards.
What your kind calls sex
And afterwards your kind licked them clean, sucked off their dogs, and fisted each other trying to get off. Since your kind are diseased & depraved, normal sex doesn't do it any more.