connorhus #dunning-kruger #racist
Slavery is the bane of Europeans in particular. It is not a sin so much as an institution that almost all European cultures find abhorrent to some extent. Even early European cultures that practiced Slavery typically did not practice it as a permanent state of being and allowed some form of movement for the individual to improve his or her station. Even the Celts allowed for it, although I am not sure the Vikings did. The very fact that in every European culture some part of the population found slavery distasteful is the very thing that singles Whites out as a target. For all know Whites are the only race in the world that can be controlled to some extent by their own guilt in using slavery in the past. No other race cares or can be influenced by having used slavery so no one bothers. It is simply a sign of European empathy which in this case is a weakness not a sin.
I agree that only whites seem to be so vulnerable to control by guilt, but that is due to Christianity, not genetics. The reason for rejection of slavery is rooted in early Western Civilization that comes to us through the Greek and Roman philosophies concerning the value of life, the individual, and the freedom of thought and conscious.
While I would agree with you that Christianity has probably the most to contribute to the guilt I cannot agree that is by any means the only reason. As I mentioned the Celts and even the Romans along with other early Europeans rarely consigned slaves to a permanent, unchanging slave caste. Also there were always a sizeable chunk of the population that rejected slavery that was uncommon in non-Whites. All of that was before Christianity so the tendency to reject slavery was in European culture earlier. Maybe one reason Christianity did so well in Europe.