PattyBouvier #crackpot #transphobia

RE: Girls = dumb


Do they all have a humiliation fetish? How else to explain their incredible contempt for women, combined with their frantic desire to be women?

It is hard to get into the heads of these men but my theory is as follows: Man X is sexually attracted to women. Man X grows up in a society where men are encouraged to feel entitled to women. Man X is not successful with women for whatever reason and rather than work on himself, develops a deep loathing for women (as is encouraged by society) which is connected to a deeper self-loathing. Man X begins to correlate sexual desire, jealousy of others, hatred of women and hatred of himself. He develops kinks of self degradation, acting out a stereotype of the 2D ‘bimbo slut’ - a fantasy Man X has created through his own thwarted desires, misogyny and self hatred. This can end up with him not wanting to fuck women any more and be ‘used’ by men - it’s a warped revenge of sorts. (Man X alternatively goes down the transbian path of forcing women to partake in his misogynistic humiliation fetish, or sometimes he will end up doing both)



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