AriAlways09 , pennygadget & momjeans #transphobia

If I disagree with my liberal tribe, does that make me a conservative?

( AriAlways09 )
I have basically been pushed so far that I don't even care about things like voting democrat for abortion rights or access. I am far more horrified about the men entering women's spaces and potentially sexually assaulting us.

( pennygadget )
It sucks that you're getting down-voted for this. Because this reflects how a lot of women feel.

Abortion access is important. But it isn’t something that impacts the daily life of most women. Most women are more concerned with crime, cost of living, failing public schools, not being able to criticize genderwoo without losing their job/reputation, losing our right to have our own spaces, our children being indoctrinated into genderwoo, our daughters being forced to share toilets & changing rooms with male classmates, etc...

And I don't trust Democrats to keep their promises about abortion. They had 50 years to replace Roe with something more substantial; and they never bothered. Also, Democrats have already back-stabbed Jews, women, LGBs, and the working class for the sake of their AGP Overlords. I don't trust them not to outlaw abortion outright just because some TIM says its transphobic that he can't have one

( momjeans )
Yup, I'm far more horrified by this entire youngest generation being queered, groomed, and hypersexualized by public schools than I am about the loss of abortion rights.

In an ideal world, I could send my kids to school not having to worry about them being groomed, and I'd also not have to worry that women who need abortions can get them. In an ideal world.

But this is not an ideal world. It's crazy land. And if I had to choose between reinstating abortion or saving the youngest kids from gender ideology, I'd choose saving the kids from being queered. Sorrynotsorry.

I'm not conservative, BTW, but this is the choice we're being forced to make, ideologically.



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