R from Latvia #conspiracy #quack #fundie #wingnut henrymakow.com

Well, today, the government-controlled MSM propaganda page www.delfi.lv has stated that yesterday there have been 4000 tests performed and there has been record (for our country) 95 cases, so they are again trying to instill fear in us and saying that there might be new restrictions.
Right now, I am reading an investigative report on COVID scam, provided by link on Your twitter (I`m reading it almost every day as Your website) translated to English, by the french officer's reserve army, and I`m deeply saddened, at some point, reading this document, my heart started to racing very fast, we all must stand up and take a stance against satan and all of his minions, all these ancient generational satanic families...

Much of what I have read is confirmed there, soon I will try to talk to my family and friends and inform them about what is coming to us. I have a wife and a 9-year-old son. I myself am 36 years old, consider myself a sinner, but as I understand, we must do as much good as we can and as less evil as we can, to love, hope, and believe, and then the light, this divine spark, may shine from inside of us.
On some local pages, I have read, that Latvia can become one of the first countries in the world with a fully installed 5G network. Just look, what they`re are writing in this agenda, for example, Who knew that trees can become digital?

I`m not scared, if I must die for the greater good of humankind, let it be, but I don't want our humankind to become artificial bio-robots, and, ultimately, be destroyed within the soul-spirit level.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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