Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The solutions to many of our problems are actually quite simple.

Historic flood of immigration? Close the border.

Other countries are shamelessly looting our own? Turn off the money spigot.

It's time for a Total Foreign Aid Moratorium. 10 years minimum sounds good to me.

@DrPaulGosar Step 1 - Name the jew

@DrPaulGosar 10 years?
how about the government only gets enough money to conduct the business of the citizens, and not a penny more?
for ever.

@jay323 @DrPaulGosar How about we ditch the federal government and only leave state governments ..... like a United States of Divorce.

@DrPaulGosar All of the world's problems are caused by jewish supremacy and jewish psychopathy. You know it.

@DrPaulGosar Deport jews to Iran. It is very nice there.

@DrPaulGosar We don't have a "historic flood of immigration" we have a historic flood of migration and invasion

@NationalImmigrantNetwork @DrPaulGosar ..with lots of free housing and welfare programs that welcome them with open arms..

@CAPnCrunch @DrPaulGosar Oh yeah "free" paid by us.

@DrPaulGosar deport all people who are not of European descent. Problems solved for a century.

@Reconquista2 check your dna first you might have some hispanic bloodline.

@6535 Spain is in Europe. I have no problems with people of Spanish descent. They have been an incredible part of Western Civilization.



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