We are all horrified by the images coming out of the Middle East and the brutality that is being carried out by ISIS/ISIL jihadists, coming out of Syria. Iraqi Christians have been singled out for conversion or death, or subjugation by the jihadists. Beheading children, crucifying teenagers, murdering fathers and husbands, raping and enslaving mothers and girls, are all part of the vicious tactics of a heartless, terrorist ideology.
While there is no excuse for the brutality that’s being carried out in Iraq, what we fail to see is the moral hypocrisy that ought to be a scandal in America. Yes we should, and hopefully will, stand up to the jihadists, but doesn’t it seem hypocritical? Why? In Iraq there are foreign invaders brutalizing and beheading children. In America we brutalize and behead our own children! Surgical abortion is nothing less horrific or less brutal than what we see happening to the children in Iraq, only WE ARE DOING IT TO OUR OWN CHILDREN!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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