TM #magick #ufo #conspiracy

The Cosmic Conundrum

Let Me See If I’ve Got This Straight…

In Order To Overcome Humanity’s Cosmic Conunndrum;
Humanity Must Choose To Raise Our Collective Consciousness…
In Order To Choose Unity
We Must Release Our Self
From Within This Ego Construct…

Our Individual ,Planetary As Well As Our Universal Liberation
Is In Conjunction
With The Cognitive Liberation Of Our Negative ThoughtForms That Have Been
SuperImposed Upon Our Collective Psyche And Societies Within This Artificial Construct By Our Matrix Overlords

Of OurSelves As Well As Others
Is The Key Towards Unity Consciousness
And As Guardians Of The Galaxy
It Is Our Duty To Set The Example For Others To Follow
Thereby Releasing Humanity From
The Weaponization Of Duality
Which In Turn Has Kept Us All EnSlaved.

In Order To Overcome Evil
One Must Learn To Forgive Those That Have Embraced Evil, Whether Knowingly Or Not, So As To Negate The Negativity. Because We Must Come To Terms That To Fight Evil Will Cause Us To Embrace Evil.
Don’t Feed The Darkness…




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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