Jesus is a pro-war kinda guy, so long as the war is a good one, just like Dick Cheney and George W. Bush.
Wars can be really good! They help the economy and make people support the president so he can push legislation that is God-Friendly!
Check out Matthew 10, where Jesus reminds us that he likes a good fight, not "peace" like the liberal hippies.
Seems pretty fake to me as well.
Just look at this:
"I had a personal conversation with Jesus about this, and he was IN FAVOR of taking the Dawkins site offline!
I said "Jesus, what do you think about this Dawkins guy" and Jesus said very clearly "Dude, that guy is a total jerk!"
What do you non-believers have to say about that?????
BOOM!!! I just dropped some pownage on you!!"
This whole "Liberals must die" site is an obvious parody. These people are not fundies, they're satirists. Their comments do not belong here.
A satirical website that has lured fundies.
so you're basically saying that war is good because it makes the fatcats richer and the fundy yanks vulnerable to propaganda (more so). And did you forget to mention the tens of thousands of people that have to die (most in horrable agony) all for you pissweak and pointless causes? If you are so pro-war, then why dont YOU join the army you fucktart, try living in Iraq or Afganistan for a few months at least, in constant fear of being blown up (i hope that happens in your case) and hated by the locals, then tell me that war is a good thing, until then, keep your stupid, fundy mouth shut before you flood the world with the bullshit it emits
JasoNF: Unfortunately, it also sends some of our more secular and tolerant youngsters (my friends, cousins, fellow servicemen) into that same death trap.
I don't see why I should be in danger of dying in someone else's holy war.
"Jesus is a pro-war kinda guy, so long as the war is a good one, just like Dick Cheney and George W. Bush."
Does Jesus lie about weapons of mass destruction and shoot people in the face while hunting drunk?
Yeah, this is satire. GOOD satire, too. Anyone who took it seriously and posted a comment to that effect just got pwned, I think.
"The only good thing about the Iraq war is that it funnels young American Christian fundies into an area swarming with Middle Eastern Muslim fundies.End Result? less fundies!"
Not enough of them though. Oh, they were certainly enthusiastic enough in supporting their God Emperor of Fucking Up, George Dumbya Bush in invading Iraq. If only they showed the same eagerness in queueing up outside those US Forces recruitment offices? It's not as if they were waiting for the draft, amirite?
The troops there could've done with them among their ranks - particularly now in Afghanistan. They'd be perfect as sappers - but without the metal detectors, just walking into those minefields. And certainly in front of & flanking their vehicles, in case of IEDs. Their 'faith' would prevent them being hurt - and thus said vehicles being damaged - by said explosions after all.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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