various commenters #transphobia

The NHS says trans women should breastfeed babies. This is unforgivable | The Spectator

( Women1st )

I have some sympathy for these poor men. They’re driven mad by hormones and the mental strain of trying to believe they’re female.

No. Zero sympathy. These are child sexual predators. Their fixation is akin to a sociopath fixating on how to take a life.

( BondiBlue )

Their fixation is akin to a sociopath fixating on how to take a life.

Buffalo Boobs.

“It puts the moob juice on its skin or else it gets the hose again.”

( Women1st )
It’s child sexual abuse. Babies aren’t props or Guinea pigs. These men are predators.

( AsterRising )
Our society has genuinely gone beyond the pale when people are willing to sacrifice babies to the whims of this cult. It breaks my heart to think about the damage being done to children to appease men's twisted fetishes. I keep wondering where the moms are in this situation - what kind of women would allow this to be done to their kids?

( Dwarfjade )
These babies are going to grow up traumatized. I know I would be if I was breastfed by a male.

( klytaimestra )
No one knows what the mental and physical impact is. Extreme trauma, no doubt - but how will that manifest; and what are the physical effects?

I don't know if there's anything comparable from history where babies would have been subjected to sexual experimentation by the state at this scale. Horrifying.

( Dwarfjade )
You’re completely right. The more I think about it, the worse it gets… All so these men can find some sick satisfaction. Meanwhile, actual women still face harassment while breastfeeding in public.



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