Hello there! Are you a leftist that can't debate properly with an opposing party member? Well we've got some tips for you! Just follow this list of instructions and you'll be owning those evil far righters like butter.
Step 1: Just call your opposer a nazi or a racist
Step 2: Get right in their face and bang a fucking drum in front of them, be careful they may strike back with a deadly smirk.
Step 3: Shut down all their social media accounts and deny them from having a platform to speak on. You can even go the extra mile and find out where they work, getting them fired so those nazis can starve on the streets
Step 4: Dig into your enemy's past and look for anything they said that could sound racist to you, and use those tweets against them to ruin their careers.
Step 5: If you're anywhere close to debating range, just throw a fucking milkshake at your enemy and then claim you were just expressing your opinion when you got called out for it.
There you go! These are all the steps you need to become a left wing master debater. Now get out there and pwn those evil racists.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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