"Oh, I'm perfectly willing to fight for Creation against evolution any day."
Yeah, sure. You go and do that.
"I know what evolution proposes."
I seriously doubt it.
"The big bang may not be a spontaneous explosion now, but it used to be."
No, it didn't. It is now, and always has been, an expansion of space-time from a singular point.
It also has nothing at all to do with evolution.
"At first a few millions of years, now several billion."
No, at first it was "the earth is assuredly only a few thousand years old" then it was "the earth is absolutely less than 6000 years old" and then, once they actually got around to looking for evidence of such a claim it was "the earth seems to be at least a few million years old" and then, of course, with the advent of sophisticated dating techniques it's "the evidence appears to support a date of 4.6 billion years for the age of the earth."
It's called scientific progress.
"And they basically believe that humans came from a bacteria."
In essence. However, there was a billion or so years of intermediary development between that bacteria and us. There's plenty of evidence to support this too.
You, on the other hand, believe a fully formed 30 year old man sprung forth from magic dirt. You also lack any evidence other than a 4000 or so year old myth that isn't even your own.
"And I ask you, why don't we see evolution today?"
We do.
"Oh, right, we're in the middle of one of those long periods of evolutionary rest again."
Not by the looks of the data available. Evolution of anything that has a generational period of more than a few days/weeks/months is going to be far too long to actually witness evolution.
By the way, evolution doesn't mean you place an amoeba in a petri dish one day and come back a week later to find an elephant sitting on your desk.
"I guess I'll never see evolution first hand."
Not unless you work in a biology lab. I guess you could raise fruit flies or something but I doubt you'd have the scientific background to actually conduct a rigorous experiment to see them evolve. You know, like real scientists have done.
"Say, how long is evolution planning to be on vacation, anyway? I want to see a dog with wings..."
Your ignorance is showing.
"Oh, yeah, I've found the atheists bible! www.en.wikipedia.org"
At least it's updated regularly when new information is available unlike your Babble.