On Tuesday, Jackson’s nightmare came true as voters handed Democrats control of the state government, but Jackson insisted on his radio program Wednesday that he is not worried in the slightest about the results because he knows that “we are right and they are wrong and, ultimately, we will win.”
“I know if you’re listening to or watching the news, you’re thinking, ‘Bishop Jackson is going to be sad today because Virginia lost both the House and the Senate to a bunch of leftists,'” Jackson said. “You probably were looking for the sadness in my voice. Well, you know what, folks? I refuse to be sad, I refuse to be discouraged because I’m a child of God and I know that ultimately, we are right and they are wrong and, ultimately, we will win. If it takes Jesus coming back, we will win, so I am not the least bit worried.”
If Jackson is so unconcerned about Democrats taking control of the reins of government in Virginia, then why did he release a video frantically warning Christians that they must “treat Nov. 5 like D-Day” because the election was a matter of “life or death for your church”?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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