Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia #pratt

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from$XLXRTZGML6, Transscript starting around 17:50 and ending around 19:44 of a 36-minute video)
Crimes like this are mercifully rare, precisely because most public toilets are single sex and most predatory males, whether they claim to be women or not, aren't as stupid as him in thinking they can get away with it. I have no idea what the rest of Taln's sentence is supposed to mean. I don't think it is seriously proposed that every man who claims to be a woman is doing so with an abusive motive. I mean nobody's actually said that, have they? What on earth are you talking about? "On the other side, trans men are infantilized by transphobic narratives, painted as brainwashed 'lost lesbian sisters' and thereby treated as unable to have their own volition" no they're not. That's just the narrative the cult have decided stands the most chance against the truth. Which is that there is a phenomenon called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, spread by social contagion and affecting girls in huge numbers who - prior to adolescence - had never expressed any unhappiness with their sex. "The patriarchal basis in transphobia towards trans men is a further apparent in their increased likelihood of corrective rape in order to 'put them back in their proper place as women'" I do know that claiming to be a man does not prevent a woman being raped, any more than claiming to be a woman will stop a man from raping women, even ones who identify as men (note by submitter: displaying headline "Transwoman activist Cherno Biko confesses to Raping a Transman"). Funny old world eh? I don't know whether the reason trans-identifying women get raped is specifically intended to be corrective and I'm not sure how Taln would know, but it certainly wouldn't surprise me knowing how horrible some men are, which is after all where we don't want them in our spaces.



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