Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The harmful and violent rhetoric coming from the Biden regime and most democrats concerning 'MAGA Republicans' is scapegoating at best.

Biden campaigned on uniting the country - looks like the plan all along was to unite the country against conservatives.

@DrPaulGosar The antiwhites want white people dead. They want total global white erasure.

@DrPaulGosar >looks like the plan all along was to unite the country against conservatives

that's been happening for decades lol

@DrPaulGosar the demoncrite is the drunk in a bar who talks shit to everyone all night, throws things at people, grabs women's asses, tries to pick a fight with everyone, steals cash tips off the bar and refuses to pay his tab. then, if someone finally bitch slaps him out the door, he calls the cops and plays the victim.
that's a demoncrite.

@DrPaulGosar Who actually believed Illegitimate Joe would "unite the country"?

@DrPaulGosar By “MAGA Republicans” they mean white people. I’ll use leftists language it’s an obvious dog whistle and republicans are too cowardly to call them out on it.

@Rooooo @DrPaulGosar Yes, we must call out racism against Whites.

@DrPaulGosar What's the point of "uniting" with degenerates, homosexuals, globalists, and the various shades of swarth? Let them divide the country and die in the cities, we possess all of the raw material and intellectual prowess. With exception for the tiny sliver of honest-to-God pro-union working class White democrats, every shade of liberal is a mindless consumer. Conservatives have their own bad apples, but you could effectively write off 99% of the DNC voting base and make this country better overnight.


@DrPaulGosar What the heck did people expect with Obama’s 3rd term. Biden doesn’t even decide the pudding he eats at night.

@DrPaulGosar Conservatives are the country. The election was stolen. Just say it.

@DrPaulGosar Will Not Work....We Are The Country!!!



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