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RE: now i'm a hot idiot!...


spoileranna phylaxis @quatoria

i used to be a tense and anxious programmer boy in a computer science program, now ilm a hot idiot with cute tits, if you work hard this could happen to you, too

They wish they were a fifth as attractive as they think they do. You're still an ugly incel and everyone can tell Andy. No one thinks your moobs are "cute tits".

I wish they were at least somewhat attractive, but as a straight woman they just look like destroyed men, complete slaves to the cooom

I had a roommate like this. Gorgeous man. (Even my mother said, after meeting him in TIM garb, “he is a very handsome man”). Went on hormones, and now he looks, as you said, like a destroyed man.

So ironic that quite some TIMs could have had women find them genuinely attractive and want to be with them and want to have sex with them. But no, they have to do a bad woman face and chase after lesbians, only to end up forever alone and becoming more and more bitter and hateful.

Case in point: Blaire White was a cute guy but now he looks like a kardashian after a bad car accident.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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