various commenters #transphobia

Abigail Thorn/Philosophy Tube: "let's make transphobia a career-ending move."

( Spencer_Shayy )
It IS already a career-ending move. So many women (and even some men) have been torn to shreds on social media, lost their jobs, threatened, blacklisted, stalked, and even assaulted for not kowtowing to these ugly incels. Declaring yourself "transgender" should be the career-ending move. I'm beyond sick of living under "trans" people's tyranny.

( Exempli_Gratia )
LOL. Bring it on, man. There is nothing you can do to make me bend the knee to you. Nothing you can say that will make me play pretend. No amount of lies, pressure, cancellation or threats will make me submit to you. I dare you to fucking try.

( Sheva )
You minding your own business. Approached from behind by someone with a clearly male voice. “Sorry sir what did you want?” Only to turn around and see a fully grown man in a wig and dress starting tear up. Suddenly you’ve lost your only source of income, unable to provide for your family because this MAN cried “transphobia”.

My point is. 99% of what TIMs and their TRA army call transphobia is made up in their own heads. People should NEVER be punished for the weird shit going on in other peoples heads.

Sure you may get a small handful of people who actually meant to hurt someone, but 99% of the people this clips will be innocent people.

But hey, the more dystopian bullshit they push the more women (and men) peak.

( Agrona )
Why not make men being in women’s spaces a punishable offence? Misogyny? Skinwalking?

( RusticTroglodyte )
It would be much easier to just make being a man a punishable offense, an idea I wholeheartedly support

( Tq231442 )
"Men should start off in jail and prove their way out" 😂😂😂

( BiblikliAkyeretTerf7 )
Uhh... it hasn't already been that?? Women have already lost their jobs for perceived "transphobia". What the hell more does he want?

Anyway, I think these people are dreaming if they don't see the writing on the wall that was 2023. 2024 will be, if anything, a year where transgenderism in particular and wokeness in general (and cancel culture) just becomes even more unpopular that it already has been. This will only increase in the coming years, don't they know that? They are destined to lose.



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