It is a sad day, almost as bad as 9/11.
Because a guy you don't like winning the nobel peace prize is comparable to the senseless deaths of 3,000 americans in your eyes? You fucking disgust me, you mock the memory of everybody who lost their lives on 9/11 by invoking their memory to play partisan politics.
Obama winning the nobel peace prize would be a joke if it wasn't so tragic.
Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize is a joke, I'll agree with you on that point, but please enlighten me on what exactly makes it so "tragic" other than the fact you don't like Obama because you think he is a communist muslim atheist anti american kenyan al-qaeda sleeper agent who may or may not be the antichrist, oh, yeah and he's black too.
Grow. The. Fuck. Up. this is the real world, not grade school, there is no place here for reindeer games and drama queens.
I cryed on 9/11 and am crying today.
Because the two events are oh-so fucking similar.
The nobel peace prize means nothing.
Did it ever? If it means nothing then why are you getting so bent out of shape?
The committee has to be on drugs or paid alot of money
So people can only make a bad descision if the are high or paid off?
Obama has only traveled abroard and put down America at every chance he gets?
Then you should have no problem citing the locations, dates, and just what he said that was america bashing. Name them. I highly doubt that the president of any country goes around the world making speeches in which he traches the country that he is the leader of. Quit thinking what Sean Hannity and Glen Beck tell you to think and actually look up shit for yourself.
Obama has done nothing but promote the Muslims.
So the whole healthcare reform mess is really about "promoting" muslims? the troop increase in Afghanistan is really about "promoting" muslims by dropping bombs on them? Moreover, since when is there a law that says any president must demonize and disrespect muslims?
Are we so lost that this happens
~Headdesk~ It's a prize, it had no bearing on anyone or anything whatsoever.
I am already stressed out and now this.
Because who wins the Nobel Prize has such a large impact on your life. Oh wait, no it doesn't. Does Obama deserve the Nobel? Not really. Does Obama winning the Nobel Prize effect you, or anyone else in any way no matter how superficial? No, it does not.
It is a sad day for America.
So your opinion is now the barometer for the nation? America must be happy or sad based on what you think it should be? Just when I thought you idiots had reached a plateau for arrogance, willful ignorance, and abject stupidity you go and prove me wrong.
God help us.
Help you from what? Help you to get your way? Help you mock those who died on 9/11? In what fucked up way does Obama winning the Nobel Prize require you "god" to help you or anyone else. Get over yourself, the does not, and will not ever, revolve around you. Your guy lost the election, when are you going to realize that and move on instead of taking everything that involves Obama as if it were a personal attack or insult direted at you alone.