[Re. the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.]
We can't see the connections here. Now look, I'm not saying God is, you know, causing earthquakes. Well -- I'm not saying that he -- I'm not not saying that either.
God -- what God does is God's business, I have no idea. But I'll tell you this: whether you call it Gaia or whether you call it Jesus -- there's a message being sent. And that is, 'Hey, you know that stuff we're doing? Not really working out real well. Maybe we should stop doing some of it.' I'm just sayin'. And -- yesterday I got home and I was thinking about all the messages that I could bring in, all the things that I could tell ya, and oh I've got stuff on Hezbollah. Oh, I have stuff on radical Islam in America that'll make your eyes fall out. Or I could just tell you the answer, and the answer is: Buckle up. Buckle up, 'cause it's going to be a bumpy ride.
Make sure you keep your arms and legs inside the car at all times. Because, things are gonna get bumpy and, just a few reminders there at the beginning as this rollercoaster takes off, always a good safety tip: Keep your arms and legs in. Don't do anything stupid, what do you say we follow the big top ten. You can call them Moses' ten commandments, or ten rules of thumb. What do you say we start doing those things? Because the things we are doing really suck and they're not getting better.
"I'm not saying God is sending earthquakes to punish the heathen Japanese, I'm just heavily implying it."
Thanks Glenn. You can sod off now.
@A number one nutter
But I'll tell you this: whether you call it Gaia or whether you call it Jesus -- there's a message being sent. And that is, 'Hey, you know that stuff we're doing? Not really working out real well. Maybe we should stop doing some of it.' I'm just sayin'.
Funny, I thought the message was, “Gee, these tectonic plates are killing me. Better move them.”
Hey Glenny! Sweden is almost free from earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanos, floods, etc.
Guess we are doing stuff the right way, then...
(Or, ya know, we are not on any fault lines, wind tunnels or flood ways.)
How do you link Gaia, Jesus, Islam and Hezbollah to Japan?
I'm sitting here trying to parse this drivel and make some sense out of it, and I think it's just a waste of time. Nothing but vague, allusive, cowardly scaremongering. And scaremongering is always the prelude to someone trying to gain more control of people's lives, by frightening them.
"Buckle up, 'cause it's going to be a bumpy ride."
If that's not a new slogan for Beck's comedy show that he likes to masquerade as a news program then I'll eat my hat.
@European Libertarian:
No. This is an example of Glenn on a good day where he's mildly coherent. Normally he's nearly completely incoherent while swinging wildly between a ranting, pacing, finger-pointing lunatic scribbling on a chalkboard and a quivering, blubbery, teary-eyed lunatic--usually within the space of just a few minutes. Truly, he's a sight to behold.
Check out YouTube if you've never seen him. They're bound to have some of his more interesting antics.
The World Bank's logo looks just like a basketball, the World Bank is an agent of the NWO, therefore basketball is a satanic sport.
This makes as much sense as earthquakes > Hezbollah.
This is typical Glenn Beck. At least he doesn't claim to know the reason why an all-good entity would allow the disaster.
I am beginning to think that fundies are selectively racist. Sure, they've been using this tragedy for their own ends, but I've yet to read any quotes claiming that the Japanese deserved what they got. Contrast that to what happened in Haiti last year. I think it's only "brown people" (which includes both blacks and Arabs) that they have a problem with.
yeah, instead of, you know, outright telling people what he wants, he sends an earthquake that kills and injures tens of thousands, wipes out entire cities and possibly endangers all other countries around it.
now, what was his message? why not make it obviously clear instead of this "destroy everything like a three year old" kick?
there's a message being sent. And that is, 'Hey, you know that stuff we're doing? Not really working out real well. Maybe we should stop doing some of it.'
What "stuff we're doing"? Eating chicken and cheesecake with the same fork? Not bowing towards Mecca and reciting some words in Arabic five times a day? Not eating a wafer that has been chanted over by a priest or by begging help from Jesus’ mother or one of his dead disciples?
Even if there is a "message", what good is a message that has 40,000 different interpretations, all pulled out of thin air?
Okay, religious crazies, answer me this. Every time a shit load of people die you all claim it's a message from God, and then you all bicker about what it means. I have two questions.
1) Why is God's sole method of communication with us is through mass murder? Why can't he just come down and say what he wants us to hear without spilling massive amounts of blood?
2) Why, after thousands of years does God insist to use mass death even though it's clear every time he does it we have no idea what he's trying to say.
Or, could it be that this just a totally random natural disaster without any coherent meaning to it at all?
I wondered who could be so incoherent and was not surprised when I saw who wrote it.
"Now look, I'm not saying God is, you know, causing earthquakes. Well -- I'm not saying that he -- I'm not not saying that either."
If you're not saying that, then why did you feel the need to write this?
If God wanted to send Japan a message, why not do so in a clear and unambiguous manner, so that the message would be recognized as having a divine source? And wouldn't He have the message he wanted to convey be crystal-clear?
If as Glenn so eloquently put it, God wants us to stop doing "that stuff," then God should tell us exactly what "stuff" is displeasing him!
Maybe Yahweh's upset because most of the Japanese do not believe in a supernatural god.
Or maybe Nai-no-Kami caused the earthquake because the Japanese haven't acknowledged him sufficiently.
Or maybe Allah sent the tsunami because the Japanese are not Muslim.
Or maybe the Flying Spaghetti Monster set off the quake because the Japanese add soy sauce to their pasta dishes.
Unless the message is clear and unambiguous, the interpretation is essentially based on the interpreter's personal beliefs and preconceived notions, prejudices, and preferences.
Oh look. The fat sack of crap is bloviating about the death of over fifteen thousand, the homelessness of hundreds of thousands, and the second worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl, as a "message" from a loving god. And "Stuff on Hezbollah"? Why don't you share that knowledge with the CIA, you windbag?
Glenn Beck, please do the civilized world a favor. Find a corner, sit down in it, and shut up. You serve no purpose in sane society.
{We can't see the connections here. Now look, I'm not saying God is, you know, causing earthquakes. Well -- I'm not saying that he -- I'm not not saying that either. }
Ah. I see you aren't not failing to make a valid point.
Maybe like, there's kind of, now I'm not forcing this down your throat, but, maybe, plates under the earth's crust that kind of shift, maybe there's a little something coined the Ring of Fire, and I'll tell you this: I hardly think it cares whether a nation follows (or is deemed to follow by fundamentalist evangelicals, as thou are God's holy microphone) the quote-unquote Big Ten. So yeah, I guess it sucks if that's something you have to worry about, we should help in any way we can. But, maybe we shouldn't judge another nation just because something horrible happened to them. I think the bible mentions something like this, about those that did the judging weren't exactly good "Samaritans", or whatever term you want to use.
Sooooooooo....Glenn Beck runs a carnival now?
....he'd probably be the whole sideshow!
Maybe Glenn thinks that God thinks "Night Shift Nurses" was an abomination.
I do, too, but I'm not the Abrahamic Deity nor did I cause the earthquake...nor do I care.
If I were Yahweh, I'd zap Beck (and others like him) with a Holy Ghost Lightining Bolt. He'll end up in a Hell realm, guarded by beautiful-yet-dark Visual Kei rocker demons where he'll be pummeled by Sumo demons, sliced & diced by Saumari demons, slowly tortured by that Lady-From-Audition demon, scared silly by Kabuki demons along with Samara & The Grudge demons & eaten by Godzilla & Gamera while said Kaiju watch endless wonderfully and deliciously gay-as-a-rainbow Yaoi!
BECK - "I'm a loser, baby so why don't you kill me!"
Somebody oughta do a political song spoof like that...a spoof of a Beck (the band) about Beck (the FOX dork).
Of course, for me, Yaoi & Visual Kei boys would be heaven...but this IS a Far-Right Fundy we're talking about here.
"Don't do anything stupid, what do you say we follow the big top ten. You can call them Moses' ten commandments, or ten rules of thumb. What do you say we start doing those things? Because the things we are doing really suck and they're not getting better."
George Carlin on the 10 Commandments: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5519239193881956619#
"Because the things we are doing really suck and they're not getting better."
I agree, the things you are doing really do suck, so cut it out.
That has nothing to do with the earthquake, though. That was just plate tectonics. Shit happens, and sometimes it really sucks, but there's nothing we can do to prevent such things from happening.
@cynical about outrage
"Do you guys get angry when people say this is because of global warming? Just a reminder not all the crazies are on the other side."
Climate change is responsible for a lot of our crazy weather and rising sea levels, but earthquakes have nothing to do with the weather, and are not caused by climate change. If anyone is stupid enough to make such a claim, then please submit it to this site so we can all laugh at them.
I would love it if this fucker was murdered. Okay, I don't mean that - I'm just sick of this little, if unintentionally hilarious pillock - but you can see the advantages, can't you!
You know, hiding this so-called stuff on Hezbollah could be interpreted as aiding and abetting terrorists.
And seeing as the only terrorists the U.S. takes seriously are the Arab ones, Becky might have landed himself in some hot water here.
...nah. Problem is, nobody believes he's got any "stuff" on Hezbollah that can't be found by googling it. Myself included. I'd just like to see this "tough on terrorism...so long as it's done by brown people with funny names" schtick backfire on one of its engineers one of these days.
And -- yesterday I got home and I was thinking about all the messages that I could bring in, all the things that I could tell ya, and oh I've got stuff on Hezbollah. Oh, I have stuff on radical Islam in America that'll make your eyes fall out.
Oh yeah? Try us! I think you'll find our eye-sockets more than sturdy enough. Go on, explain what you mean, clearly and precisely, and don't forget to include the evidence to back your claims. What's that, you only have vague, spooky allusions? How surprising!
Or I could just tell you the answer, and the answer is: Buckle up. Buckle up, 'cause it's going to be a bumpy ride.
That's not an answer, at best it would be a warning, and an useless one at that, since it doesn't provide any useful information...
Well, Glenn.
The United Kingdom, the land of Universal healthcare, Gun control, Gay Marriage, minimum wage etc. is more or less natural disaster free. Is that because we're doing right or because the Lord decided to place us away from fault lines and unusual weather systems?
I love how people like Beck insist that anyone who objects to using the Ten Commandments as a basis for secular law must be objecting to the prohibitions on murder, theft, and perjury. It's as if they couldn't possibly imagine that some of us might object to the government getting involved in the more specifically religious rule (rather than "everyone has some form of this" ones that Judaism and Christianity don't get to claim to have invented).
If you had ever had any doubts about what ghastly leeches some fundies truly are, you only need to see them using other peoples' misery in this way to wipe away those doubts.
Meantime, trying to "prove" the existence of a merciful god in this way is an oxymoron and asswipes like Beck just don't get it. Do you really think you can convert anybody to the idea of your god by saying he's responsible for tragedies like Japan's?
You people are sick.
If earthquakes were God sending a message, he's got to be about as incoherent as Glenn Beck.
Unless the message is "plate boundaries are dangerous", or even simpler, "countries which have had a lot of earthquakes in the past will have have more in the future".
In which case - thanks and you can stop reminding us now. We have worked that out, (except Glenn Beck, who apparently can't see the connections).
Eeerrr Glen, which 10 commandments?
The ones in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5? or the replacements God gave in Exodus 34?
Enquiring minds need to know
"I've got stuff on Hezbollah. Oh, I have stuff on radical Islam in America that'll make your eyes fall out."
No you haven't, unless your source was Wikileaks.
Research Fail: Christianity has actually been gaining popularity in Japan in recent years.
Also, of historical interest: When the Portugese missionaries first arrived in Japan back in the 16th century, they were welcomed with open arms, and the people of Japan showed great interest in adopting Christianity (some of them viewed it as simply another version of Buddhism). It wasn't until they started dabbling in politics that they got kicked out.
Anyway, long story short, I'm not sayin' Glenn Beck doesn't know what the hell he's talking about, I'm just sayin'.
oh I've got stuff on Hezbollah. Oh, I have stuff on radical Islam in America that'll make your eyes fall out.
Lying piece of dogshit. You haven't got any useful information at all, just lies, innuendo, and paranoid fantasies.
Make sure you keep your arms and legs inside the car at all times.
What the fuck sort of advice is this? How is this in any way applicable to the situations the human race is facing? Could you be any more vague or incoherent?
Plate tectonics are to blame for the earthquake and tsunami. Pretending an invisible man in the sky is behind it all only alienates people from your savage and barbaric religion.
An earthquake hits Japan , so the U.S. needs to be more religious?
If your god is trying to send us a message, he's doing a really bad job of it, Glenn. Even if we agree that a natural disaster is a message from your god (which I don't, but we'll allow it for the sake of argument), how do we know that your interpretation (i.e., that the U.S. needs to follow the Ten Commandments), is the correct one? It could mean anything. Your god might want us to stop eating pork, or start praying towards Mecca five times a day. You just don't know.
How about this, Glenn, rather than arbitrarily deciding that a natural disaster on one side of the world means everyone on another side of the world needs to do what you think they should do, why don't you just do what you feel you should do (that is, obey the Ten Commandments), and let the rest of us do what we feel we should do (for example, send aid to Japan, maybe continue to research earthquake prediction technology, that sort of thing).
Glenn, you're a Mormon. You have no right to be speaking on spiritual matters according to Judaism and especially Christianity. And since the disaster has nothing to do with the Ten Commandments, maybe instead of condemning your fellow man, you could show compassion and help out for once in your life.
Dear Glenn,
Earthquakes and other natural phenomenon are not caused by evil spirits or vengeful deities. They are the result of natural forces... Oh, what's the use?! You are a complete nut case (just like the other members of your family). What you really need is professional psychological help.
I thought praying to volcano gods and such to stay their anger was barbaric and primitive? Yet that is exactly what Glenn here is advocating.
Basically same religious shit, just a different god.
I guess being located on one of most geologically inconvenient places possible has nothing to do with it.
I mean fuck, they practically do Earthquake and Tsunami drills on regular basis, from day-cares to elderly homes.
If you would take your nose out of that crackpot literature and learn some Science, you would know:
Earthquakes are natural consequences of the release of heat from the Earth's interior and it transport by convection through a quasi-fluid mantle and then out through the Earth's rigid crust. This has been going on for some 4.5 billion years and is not going to stop any time soon.
Look up "plate tectonics" in Google and learn something.
Well, we can't accuse him of lying, because what he says is true to him.
On the other hand I think anyone that spurts out about end days and second comings and shit, then they "Bear false witness" and should be stoned, right?
note- I know what he says is a lie... I was just speaking of his big emphasis on the 10 commandments.
How could you know what things are displeasing? Maybe it's the lax gun laws in the US, or the bigoted refusal to accept gender-neutral marriage laws, or the un-Biblical hatred of abortions, or...?
Self defeating argument, and as you said, you have no idea what God, if he exists, wants anyway, because he won't tell. The true part is that the abusers are indeed still manipulating for fascism, conflict and environmental destruction.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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