Jeff Brown and Shane Rain #wingnut #conspiracy #racist
(Jeff Brown)
The race baiters want you to think it was one race enslaving another in the US...
but that wasn't what was going on...
For the most part, it was the wealthy elite that held slaves in the US...
The vestiges of slavery aren't now tied to the nonsense that the race baiters will argue...
The vestiges of slavery are NOW the exploitation of undocumented workers....
largely cajoled, incited and "sanctuaried" by the same party that fought for slavery all those years ago...
(shane rain)
cuz they were fighting to keep the south, which technically should have been able to secede it would seem- if they democratically decided to leave, like texas wants to, take away their nukes an good riddance... so they made it about slavery. Lincoln was actually a big0t