"I know this is painful for the ladies to hear, but if you get married, you have accepted the headship of a man, your husband. Christ is the head of the household and the husband is the head of the wife, and that's the way it is, period."
I know this is painful for the fundies to hear, but if you get married, you have accepted that you are now entering into an equal partnership. Both spouses are heads of the household and each love and respect each other, and that's the way it is, period.
What if you marry by the council or the Catholic Armenian church, as I did, who doesn't promote that?...........yes, it's painful to hear that there are so many people who never use reason.
I know this is painful for the slaves to hear, but the God of the Bible plainly approves of slavery, and that's the way it is, period.
I know this is painful for the entomologists to hear, but insects have four legs, and that's the way it is, period.
Pat Robertson is right for once, goddamnit!
Giving head is good in a consenting relationship. What I can't figure out is why it should be painful for the ladies.
Can whoever is submitting quotes from Abortion.org.au please stop? Granted, they are mostly valid fundie quotes, but they are already in a fundie quote archive. I'm pretty sure this site will be better off if we restrict our intake to newly caught quotes from the wild, rather than ones that have already been brought to relatively wide attention on another site with similar motives to ours.
I thought marriage was a partnership between two willing people, with no leader?
Then again I'm not "born again" so what the hell do I know?
I'm Jesus, & I say you're wrong, Pat. Period.
See, saying "period" at the end of the sentence doesn't make me right.
But seriously...you're wrong.
No matter how much mythology you throw at women, they're still human beings and you're still a pathetic excuse for one.
You should've been a bj. Diaf.
@werewolf --
It's because the fundies are doing it wrong: they're convinced that in every activity, the one with the penis (or the one whose penis is involved) must be the one in control. Which, when it comes to fellatio, is exactly the wrong way to go about it.
Pat Robertson was found under a bridge in the south coast town of Nowra several days later. He was tied up wrists and ankles, a surgical cut in his gut. It appeared his intestines, liver, stomach and kidneys had been eaten, while he was still conscious.
The police ruled it to be an accident and decided to let everything be.
Actually, pretty much everything Pat Robertson says is painful to hear.
Especially when it shows it's serving his fiscal and egotistical interests rather than Christian morality with no need for external reference.
No offense meant to the guys, but I have yet to find a man who was smart enough to be "the head" of me! (Sorry, men, but seriously...)
If it would teach this man empathy and compassion I'd like to see him reincarnate as a black single mother trying to support her children on minimum wage, maybe that experience would teach him something about humanity, and humility...or not...
You forgot to say, conveniently, that Jesus didn't say that, so NO PERIOD and that it was conveniently taken out of contest by an unmarried man. Your point?
Erm, no, I have a nicely working head of my own, thank you very much. And, my husband rather likes it when my head is working to organize our lives. He trusts me to take care of the bills, the building of IKEA furnitures, the reading of instruction manuals, the cooking and ironing. He manages quite well with the washing of clothes and dishes. He has said countless times (with pride) that I'm the smart one in our household, and he's a mechanical engineer, so he's not stupid either.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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