Space_Walker #conspiracy

Krugman has become a bit annoying with his opinions, but i must agree with him and the many other economists; this stimulus bill is simply dressed up with a bow tie, rather than a jeans and t-shirt like all the others, it will do squat to help our ailing economy and the millions of our citizens that are being submerged by debt and everyday bills, including the sky rocketing price of food. You guys wanted change, you got it, in a pathetic taxcut and useless pandering. I am beginning to see clearer that Obama is bought and paid for; of course his plan doesn't go far enough, he's just lip servicing you guys. I can't help but to think of a conspiracy theory i read of these guys wanting the U.S. to fall flat and bankrupt to usher in a new monetary system and the alleged "NWO" , Obama seems to be following lock step with the elite and what these conspiracy theorists have predicted, even before the man was elected president. Some things will make you say, hmmm...



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