TheOffice_Account & Im_The_Daiquiri_Man #dunning-kruger #sexist

RE: New Data from the Telegraph indicate that levels of sexlessness among young men are still steadily increasing, just 34% of male University students report being sexually active while studying at University and 43% report never having had sex.


11% of respondents claim to be celibate by choice, assuming that 11% of men are celibate by choice, that means that a staggering 55% of male university students in the UK admit to being involuntarily celibate.

1.36 million females to 1.02 million males. That's an excess of 340,000 females. And yet sexlessness among males is this high? That's insane.

I wrote this elsewhere but it bears repeating: You're thinking that this above is a contradiction, but instead, it happens all the time:

where women > men, hookup culture prevails.

where men > women, traditional dating is the norm.

Sure, there will be anecdotes and exceptions, but in general, when there fewer women, they prefer to be wined and dined and dated. But when there are fewer men, insta-sex becomes the norm. And when you're having insta-sex, 80-20 becomes the norm.

Hmm, let's see how this data correlates with male suicides in the same age demographic?

Oh right... somehow not surprised:

Note not only the actual numbers, but how sharp the trend is. Anybody honestly see that reversing with how men's issues are treated today?

In before the usual suspects talk about how it's "their fault for being loser LVM..."

I swear, PPD proves TRP the more the hamsters spin.

I hope these broken women don't have brothers, or sons that they are peddling their gaslighting nonsense to.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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