And the above came from a 19th Century publication.
As per the Millerites, post-'Great Disappointment', there were proto-FSTDTers who ridiculed them & their so-called 'beliefs' (and as the '(C)Rapture' isn't Biblical, therefore Paulianity - as per the doctrine of you fundies - isn't, neither; 30,000+ denominations of Christianity, so many would consider you & all your ilk Heretics who are Hellbound! [/David J. Stewart])
Even then, there were those who saw that the game was up for you lot, certainly your right to think yourselves as 'holier-than-thou', moralistic & judgemental against anyone not exactly like you (as per the RCC in Ireland just over a week ago; they now realise, post-the Paedophile Priests scandal there, that they now have to (quote) 'Take a Reality Check'. They know the game is up for them). Ergo, what makes you lot - who aren't baying for Josh Buggar's blood; you'd certainly bay for the heads of prominent Atheists who'd committed the worse-than sin of Child Sex Abuse, nor for a 'Broom Sweeping Clean' Reverse-McCarthy-esque purge of ALL impure elements among the right-wing/GOP/fundamentalist Christainity in the US - think you have the right to much as think of having an 'opinion' about anything (I refer you to the RCC in Ireland now), least of all adult consenting people who just happen to be of the same gender, which is comnpletely legal? [/Romans 13:1-5]
When, as per the above illustration from a 19th Century magazine, it's proven that your Paulian 'God of unconditional Love' prefers those like him (as long as they kiss his arse), compared to those who are morally superior, and have never done anything wrong to anyone else. For he - like those on the left of said illustration - is a worse-than sinner himself: Child Murderer & Abortionist (Hosea 13:16), Liar (Abraham & Issac), Adulterer (Mary: betrothed to Joseph), and the worse-than sin of Paedophilia: Mary, the underage girl (Statutory Rape, as per modern secular Rule of Law).
No wonder he doesn't want the likes of we Atheists like yours truly who doesn't have a criminal record for so much as spitting on the pavement: he'd have to end up giving we non-sinners his throne & powers. He hates those who are superior to him.
For when even your J-boy - who is also your Paulian 'God' - doesn't say word one of condemnation of Paedophilia, least of all in his 'Word' (which must be taken literally; if it sauys it that way, it means it that way; as it's literal, therefore no 'Interpretation' allowed): 'Suffer little children, to come unto me.' Read into that what you will. [/Freud]
Like I say: when your 'God' - who is also J-boy - doesn't condemn Paedophilia in his 'Word', as well as 'OSAS', then no wonder so many of you right-wing Funda[I]mental[/I]ist Christains take that implicit omission[/I] as [I]carte blanche[/I] to be douchebag cunts to anyone not exactly like you Paulians. Least of all to the most vulnerable in society.
Moral: As you Paulian Christains clearly don't have any yourselves, if you're not utterly condemning Josh Buggar and [I]all[/I] his vile subhuman ilk, then you completely condone what he & all his ilk did. Because when your moral arbiter & standards-setter 'God' doesn't so much as say word one in [I]condemnation[/I] of Paedophilia, then - as per the RCC in Ireland, post-that referendum a week or so ago - the game's now up for you Paulians in the US.
As per the Church of England ages ago. And the RCC in Ireland are now being forced - and via their own worse-than sins - to think the unthinkable, so must you fundies in the US: Change, or die.
Because your country is soooooo becoming the morally pure Eternal Talibangelist Theocracy of Godsville right now, isn't it...?! [/Doug Piranha-levels of sarcasm]
@Demon Duck of Doom
"What "chief of sinners" is he referring to?"
I refer you to the above facts, as per the fundies' own literal (with no 'Interpretatiion allowed) Paulian 'God of unconditional Love: The Murderer (Hosea 13:16), Liar (Abraham & Isaac), Adulterer & Paedophile (Mary) that is the more than infinitely inferior to Satan deity that is their worse-than sinner 'God'. J'accuse!