If she needs to constantly 'debate' with us (instead of admitting her unjustifiable 'beliefs are nothing but lies when she first appeared here to 'debate' us, and was proved wrong, thus recanting of said unjustifiable 'beliefs' and becoming an Atheist then; there are those here in FSTDT who are ex-fundie Christians turned Atheists, before you ask), then explain Jonathan Edwards. No constant need to keep coming back to a board (consisting of Atheists, Agnostics, [non-fundie] Theists - including Christians etc ripping the piss out of the unjustifiable things fundies of all flavours say) for him, nosiree. No, he merely did some soul-searching and self-questioning: Thinking. And for himself, no less. No constant 'getting people's goats' (a.k.a. deliberately Trolling & Creating Drama, like the psychologically insecure & mentally inferior out there who do behave in this unjustifiable way) on internet boards for him, no. Merely by dint of his own critical faculties, did Jonathan Edwards realise that religious 'belief' was ultimately completely irrelevant in the grand Humanity scheme of things, certainly in it's mindset.
He's an Atheist now. Beforehand he was a long-time Christian; one probably for far longer than most of the fundies quoted here. Rending the veil of real lies hasn't done him any harm whatsoever. Still a respected former Olympic gold medallist athlete & TV presenter (On the other hand, Oscar Pistorius. Paralympic Gold medallist athlete and long-time Christian-turned killer. Where is his God* now?!).
Our resident drama-creator & shit-stirrer is a proven long-time liar. Her credibilty and right to any respect went out of the window almost from day one of her infecting this place with her inferior presence (and trolls are by definition inferior - as in no normal, decent, sane person would even think of behaving the way they do). If someone wanted to question their 'beliefs', they'd admit they were wrong after the first argument they'd lost against Atheists, admit their 'beliefs' are lies and are unjustifiable, and become Atheists themselves (Jonathan Edwards; he didn't need any debate/argument with Atheists, he proved that he didn't require religion to be a good person by himself).
She's nothing more than a drama-creator. A Troll. And via her saying 'I'm getting your goat', she admits it too. As Wandering Scribe says here:
'Don't even acknowledge them. They deserve nothing. If they choose to discuss our lack-of-faith, that is fine. However, if they desire to mock and ridicule, then that tells me more about them than any biography. These immature psuedo-intellectuals sit in their mom's basement and troll the internet for easy targets to boost their stunted egos. Picking on individuals with conviction is an effective means of coping with a poor self image and feelings of worthlessness from a lifetime platonic and superficial relationships and living. Atheists are among the most desirable targets, because our words and lack-of-belief cut deep into their under-developed consciences. Let them laugh and scoff. In fact, I encourage it. That's the last good feeling they'll have for a good 7 years pretty soon. Let them laugh one more good time, really have a riot. Perhaps these memories will comfort them in their abject terror when they are faced with the nothingness that follows death.'
After all, prove - to our satisfaction - that this 'Hell' exists. Or an 'Afterlife' for that matter. Why not go all the way: prove to the satisfaction of we Atheists that your 'God' exists, now.
If you are the 'Christian' you claim to be, and not a drama-creating troll you really are.
...oh, and no excuses allowed (i.e. 'I can't make God appear on command, as per your bad analogy, re. Queen Elizabeth appearing in front of 80,000 in that stadium & 1 billion on TV at our 2012 London Olympics); no Bible apologetics. If this 'God' you claim exists limits his 'Omnipotence' in this way (when he can easily prove his existence to we Atheists' satisfaction by himself; no believers required. So why hasn't he been able to do so way before now...?!), then he himself proves he doesn't exist. And thus neither does a 'Soul', an 'Afterlife', a 'Heaven' - and therefore neither does a 'Hell'.
You can always prove us wrong. Not supposedly after we die. But now.
After all, we Atheists have been waiting for the real fundies to show us evidence of such - to our satisfaction - for a Hell of a long time, but have they been able to, to date...?! [/snark]
Or you can simply admit that - as we Atheists have been saying all along - God doesn't exist, 'beliefs' aren't required to live a good & decent life**, and become an Atheist yourself. Go ahead. What's stopping you? Or havent you got the guts to do that - as in think for yourself, least of all have the guts to change the way you think, and stop 'getting people's goats': Trolling?
As Wandering Scribe says, 'Don't even acknowledge them'. Trolls are banned from other forums, boards etc.
Oh, and so a cartoon shows Hell & it's leader to be completely different to what the fundies' revenge fantasy expects to be so (but then, you were soooooo sure we 'sinners' would be arseraped by demons for eternity, re your revenge fantasy, which you claimed was based on you lying via lies 'told' to you via a book of lies that can never stand up to legal scrutiny in a court of law. You soon abandoned that as a method of 'getting our goats: Trolling, though)? Well, one fiction - an anime series based on a manga, Kosuke Fujishima's "Ah! My Goddess" - is just as good as another. Amirite?!
At least said manga - like all other forms of printed literature that aren't non-fiction textbooks based on proven facts - says it's fiction.
*- After all...:
...Oscar's in very good company, re. killing people, despite what their so-called Ten Commandments says. Oh yeah. Fundie Christians - like their 'God' - are sooooooo morally superior to we Atheists, yessiree [/hyper-sarcasm] (even though I've yet to kill just one person to date, nor do I want to, ever).
**- 'Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.'
-Marcus Aurelius
Seems this ancient Roman won the bet before Pascal had even been born to make his 'Wager'...! [/smartarse]