floydlee #fundie charismanews.com

Oh please. Who are you to sit in judgment of God's historical protection of the USA? No wonder the various TV and movie "zombies" are not known for their smarts.

Abe Lincoln understood a lot more about what could have happened -- indeed what ALMOST happened -- during the Civil War than you or I ever will, and that's why he openly proclaimed a national day of prayer and fasting in March of 1863.

That didn't mean America was sinless. Nope. Native Americans and African-Americans could easily list America's sins. Even the cruel Southerners could point to big hypocrisy on the part of the Northerners. But at least the broken nation and its President had enough sense to realize that they needed God badly, and needed Him quickly.

But today's America? Nope. Tragic 9-11 hits, everybody suddenly woke up and went to church for two weeks, and then it's all "back to business", far worse than ever before (like that gay marriage mess). And now this nation has gone wacko. (Some of them even start judging God, saying He's done a poor job. That's daffy-duck mess!).

So yeah, please continue spitting in God's face, America. Keep on dissing Him so you can figure out what happens NEXT !!!!!



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