++'Oh please. Who are you to sit in judgment of God's historical protection of the USA? "
A human of measurable intelligence and one supposedly subject to that protection. Who are you to question your betters?
++"No wonder the various TV and movie "zombies" are not known for their smarts."
I wasn't aware that zombies believed in god. I mean it has long been said that religion is little more than a mental virus but I didn't think it was literally so!
++"Abe Lincoln understood a lot more about what could have happened -- indeed what ALMOST happened -- during the Civil War than you or I ever will, and that's why he openly proclaimed a national day of prayer and fasting in March of 1863. "
Yeah. Specifically, he understood how precarious his position was. When your army is getting its nose bloodied something fierce it needs a bit of camaraderie to help it get back on its feet. He probably also understood that we would be vastly weaker divided than united. That he played to the superstitions of the time is utterly meaningless. The Vikings used their own gods and religious rituals as rallying tools. That doesn't mean that there really is an Odin and he was helping them.
++'That didn't mean America was sinless. Nope. Native Americans and African-Americans could easily list America's sins."
And curiously enough your god did nothing to help either of them.
Sitting on your ass and basking in the tears and fears of your followers as they try to understand why their lives have suddenly become an endless theater of bloody carnage & destruction does not count as helping. By any definition.
++"But at least the broken nation and its President had enough sense to realize that they needed God badly, and needed Him quickly.
"Needed" him. Meaning, given that the system was as it had always been since the nation's inception, that he had never been there for them previously.
++"Even the cruel Southerners could point to big hypocrisy on the part of the Northerners. "
And that's about all they could have done since their own position was that of fighting to preserve the practice of said cruelty and sin. Which it wasn't, by the way. A sin, I mean. Your bible, as always, says something very different from what you say it says.
++"But at least the broken nation and its President had enough sense to realize that they needed God badly, and needed Him quickly."
That goes right back to what I just said. Strictly speaking, you should be defending the South and denouncing Lincoln for daring to oppose the word of god by attempting to end the biblically-sound practice of slavery. God would have protected the south afterward. Apparently.
++"But today's America? Nope."
Given your god's idea of "help", I consider that a good thing.
++"9-11 hits, everybody suddenly woke up and went to church for two weeks, and then it's all "back to business","
Hardly. Most of those who attended service more frequently were already attending believers. They may not have been so regular in their attendance but unless your god is so petty that he demands a perfect attendance record that hardly matters. The rest of us, believers and otherwise, didn't really see a prime example of modern day religious lunacy as a reason to indulge in such, ourselves.
++"far worse than ever before (like that gay marriage mess). "
Oh, fuck you. First of all, the gay rights movement had been around for a long, long time by then and had already challenged that issue in some capacity. Secondly, if you're going to try to win converts then you probably shouldn't go pointing out that your god (a.k.a. you) is a bigoted asshole unworthy of their adoration.
++"And now this nation has gone wacko."
I agree, actually. These days it seems you can't go five minutes without hearing some idiot fundie spouting some inane biblical claptrap at the saner portions of the population.
++"(Some of them even start judging God, saying He's done a poor job. That's daffy-duck mess!). "
And according to you, they're right! If your god exists and has, indeed been shepherding us along then it's his fault that things are the way they are! If you lead a blind man to a cliff and abandon him and he falls over the side, it's YOUR fault that he fell!
That said, you clearly aren't understanding what we're saying. It's not that we're saying he's done a poor job and needs to do better. It's that he can't possibly exist as described if this is an example of his work. Either he's not all-powerful and perfect or he's just plain not. Existent.
++"So yeah, please continue spitting in God's face, America. Keep on dissing Him so you can figure out what happens NEXT !!!!! "
What's he going to do? Be utterly ineffectual to the point that his very existence is debatable at us? Because historically speaking (the Old Testament is not a historical document), that's all he's ever done. He never helps in any identifiable way and he never impedes us in any identifiable way. The only ones doing that are humans.