Sure, I may be dumb compared to them, but I have God on my side. That boosts my sides average IQ to... infinity.
Also, you only seem to be able to fight using mudslinging. I actually put forward proof. Try fighting fire with fire instead of mud...
I'll just be over here, fighting fire with water.
Oh, and god hates your fucking guts, you pompous ass.
*my dad can beat up your dad*
Usually when I see someone open a rebuttal to an arguement with "LOLOLOLOLOL" I immediately skip whatever they wrote, thus sparing myself the agonizing pain of actually severing my facial muscles as I contort them into the world's biggest eyeroll of all time.
Alas, I could not resist temptation.
If only someone could give real proof of God. I think atheists hands down have more proof a thousand times over, with everything from science to mathematics to logic to back their arguements against common Christian rhetoric.
When it comes to "their side", their IQ is only similar to infinity in the fact that is an inconceivable, immesurable number. The difference is theirs is unbelievably miniscule, so much so that it can't be tabulated.
They argue mostly with redundant Bible quotes and misinformation, and most are unfamiliar with the majority of the Bible's text and become FURIOUS when you ask them about some less-than-popular decrees and demands God makes of people. I mean, sure, it's easy to hate gays, but what about killing anyone who dares work on a Sunday, or that one uplifting story where God just kills 42 children for no reason? I have taken various Christian's books and read, word for word, Bible passages and even then they had a hard time believing what I was saying. LOLOLOLOLOL indeed.
1. IQ points are non-transferable, moron .
2. Mud is super for smothering fires. Fighting fire w/fire only makes a bigger fire, moron .
Sure, I may be dumb compared to them, but I have God on my side.
How does he know? Did God come down in a burning bush and tell him? Or did he read it in some old book by a bunch of anonymous bronze age Arab goat herders and was stupid enough to believe they were speaking for God simply because they said so?
"That boosts my sides average IQ to... infinity"
Yet God never shows up to these debates.
Which just leaves you, looking like a moron.
"Try fighting fire with fire instead of mud..."
Guess which one actually does shit? Remember, mud is dirt and water, both of which can individually stop a fire.
And so now as I'm leavin', I'm weary as Hell.
The amazement I'm feelin', mere words could not tell.
How long will it take till you believers will see
If a god is on OUR side, he'll prevent World War Three?
I see I'm dealing with a mental giant here. Best be on my toes.
"Sure, I may be dumb compared to them, but I have God on my side. That boosts my sides average IQ to... infinity."
What are you, five?
"Also, you only seem to be able to fight using mudslinging. I actually put forward proof. Try fighting fire with fire instead of mud..."
The cold water of scientific evidence should be sufficient to quench your particular inferno.
"I actually put forward proof."
Funny, I never see this proof. Unless you think Stupidsport's blithering is proof.
You used "LOL". That automatically shows your IQ doesn't exceed single digits.
Incidentally, is "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL" short for "Laughing out laughing out laughing out laughing out laughing out laughing out laughing out laughing out laughing out laughing out loud" or "Laughing out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud"?'
Also, mud puts out fire.
"That boosts my sides average IQ to... infinity"
*snorts* No. It really doesn't. As proved by your comment.
And you try and combine fire with more fire all you get is burned.
Combine mud with fire and the fire goes out.
Nonono. If you're doing the Xena thing it's more like LALALALALALALALA.
Sure, I may be dumb compared to them, but I have God on my side. That boosts my sides average IQ to... infinity.
I hate to break it to you, but Christianity is not a hive mind. Y'all only act like one. And rather poorly at that.
Also, you only seem to be able to fight using mudslinging. I actually put forward proof. Try fighting fire with fire instead of mud...
I think you've got your concept of heat flow wrong. Only time fighting fire with fire works is if you're using the fire to light off a shaped explosive charge, and electricity is usually better for that.
Mud, on the other hand, can be a pretty effective restrictor of air flow...
"Sure, I may be dumb compared to them, but I have God on my side."
Thinking you have god on your side is what makes you dumb.
"I have God on my side. That boosts my sides average IQ to... infinity."
That would be true. So take an IQ test and get an infinite score. That'll put us in our place.
But if you can't get an infinite score, that'll prove God is NOT on your side. Then you can study science, maths, biology, statistics, genetics, and ecology and the more you understand what the theory of Evolution is, the higher the IQ score you're likely to get.
"Sure, I may be dumb compared to them, but I have God on my side."
Okay then. Ask this 'God' of yours - if he's on your side (Chang & Eng Bunker, anyone?!) - what the next format that'll replace Blu-Ray will be?
It's okay, I can wait...!
Taking credit from god? Pretty sure that's a deadly sin. Didn't he lose his shit over something as trivial as the tower of Babel? Yeah, good luck with that.
And is this guy fucking retarded? Mud is 100% effective at extinguishing whatever flames hits. Fighting fire with fire is a good way for Natural Selection to get off it's lazy ass and kill this piece of shit.
That boosts my sides average IQ to... infinity.
I'll give you this much; there are a lot of zeros in your equation.
BTW, forest and brush fires can often be succesfully contained by back-lighting to gain control of the burn = fighting fire with fire.
It probably wouldn't work so well, in a building like, oh let's say a church. But it would be a worthwhile place to try it and see.
Sure, I may be dumb compared to them, but I have God on my side. That boosts my sides average IQ to... infinity. "
You still sound dumb and like you're a sore loser too
but I have God on my side. That boosts my sides average IQ to...
...less than the IQ of this insect.
When a kindergartener can count to more than four , you know your 'side' has problems. [/Leviticus 11:23]
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