mr wiggles, Tim Sturgeon, and Calamity James #conspiracy #wingnut

(mr wiggles)
Ukraine is helping the U.S. violate treaties with NATO allies. Ukraine is not a allie. The war in Ukraine is the Cuba missile crisis in reverse. Its the U.S. that has illegal weapons in Ukraine, Russia backyard. The U.S. is going to give Ukraine depleted uranium anti-tank missiles. These missiles are low level tactical nukes. Basically The U.S. is starting the nuclear war. By the way giving Ukraine cluster bombs also violates many treaties the U.S. has agreed to. so, this is all going to be blood on our hand that Americas civilian and military population will be casualties from.

(Tim Sturgeon)
@ Mrs. Captain Liam Shaw
Ukraine started the war Comrade and are a communist country.
@ Joseph Guy
Joseph Guy too funny, actually research the Ukraine, they are communist and always always have been. Lots of History books at your local library
Joseph Guy easy google question, but keep with the "must be propaganda"
How long has Ukraine been a communist country?
The KPU considers itself to be the direct successor to the original Communist Party of Ukraine, a branch of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) which was founded on 5 July 1918 in Moscow
i'll make this easy for you, you lied cant admit it, love posting propaganda then saying others are and know nothing about Ukraine.
Ukraine made a pact with Russia and broke the pact 2 times before Russia attacked, Puting warned the world after the first time and no one listened

(Calamity James)
@ Mrs. Captain Liam Shaw
actually, if the US would have dismantled the bio labs, we wouldn't be in this mess. It's like having a meth lab as ewer neighbor. Ewe wouldn't want that, would ewe?



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