The demon behind homosexuality is one of the most evil horrible demons every created. I can't wait to judge him and send him to the pit!!
Taking over God's job now, are we?
*flips through bible* Could've sworn it says that's a sin in here somewhere...
"One of the most evil and horrible demons ever created"?
So let me get this straight. If every bad thing that people do is supposed to be prompted by demons (stop me if that's wrong), then you're saying that the following demons:
The one who makes people murder others
The one who makes people steal
The one who encourages greed
The one who makes people spiteful and cruel to others
Are all not as evil as a demon who encourages people to LOVE each other?
I'd like to know what you're smoking, and what demon prompted you to smoke it.
"Judge not, lest ye be judged."
Or something like that. Oh, and you don't get to play God. Isn't that blasphemy too?
Delusions of being God. How cute. And from RR... Double cute.
This deserves heavy antipsychotic medication, if I'm not mistaken...
Unlike Rapture, the first commandment is in the Bible RedA, and the last guy who thought he could usurp God's power was an angel and a whole lot closer to God than you are. Look at what happened to him(he runs the pit). do you expect to be in a position to do this judging, then? Think you get a pair of wings and become an angel soon as you kick the bucket, is that it? Well, pardon moi if I'm not up on the latest in fundy theology, but it seems to me as if humans are humans and angels are angels.
Not to mention, if it's a demon, it's already from the pit, innit? Why bother sending it home, it'll probably enjoy the break.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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