Danielle Smith and other anti-vaxxers #crackpot #dunning-kruger #quack #conspiracy globalnews.ca

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says she supports an upcoming United Conservative Party event that casts doubt on COVID-19 vaccine safety.

The event, called “An Injection of Truth”, is a town hall that organizers claim will provide scientific data regarding the negative impact of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine on children.

William Makis is one of the speakers scheduled to be at the June 17 event in Calgary. Although he claims he was wrongfully terminated, his practice permit was suspended by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta.

Another scheduled panellist, Chris Shoemaker, had his licensce suspended in 2023.

Other speakers include David Speicher, Calgary pediatric neurologist Eric Payne, Jessica Rose and Byram Bridle.

On a radio show on Saturday, Smith said she supported the town hall.

“As people know, I believe that sometimes you need to hear the contrarian voices. … Unfortunately, all through (the COVID-19 pandemic), the contrarian voices were deplatformed and not listened to,” she said on Your Province, Your Premier on QR Calgary and 630 CHED on Saturday.

“I think we have to look at the international evidence. … That’s what MLA Bouchard is doing in hosting a variety of doctors to give their perspective, so I’m quite happy to let him continue on with that.”



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