Jerek #sexist

Serious There is no turning back after you get to know female sexuality in first person - chadfishing.

I think there's always a way to delude yourself until you chadfish, and that's why i consider it the most dangerous activity for a ugly male.

Until that moment you can pretend that yes, good looking men have sex more often but, at least for me, it was something vague, like "yeah they fuck more, but it's difficult even for them and also normies have sex so maybe i can hope to get a gf to have sex with".

But chadfishing is totally another thing. You get to know what true female sexuality is: they are completely subservient to chad. They crave chad's cock more than we crave a non-landwhale pussy. Your classmate, your coworker, your sister, your MOM, your cousin, your neighbour, a random girl that you see in the street... they all reveal their true side when they see chad and they answer positively to the worst thing you can think of.

I've chadfished once almost two years ago and i can't forget how it was. Hundred of matches in few hours. Girls that wanted to swallow my cum that very night. I'll never forget that petite brunette that i met in real life (after revealing i was fake and, of course, nothing happened.. i'm lucky she took it well and we just chatted) that came in my neighborhood without her panties telling me that "she never tried to get pissed in her mouth but we can do it".

A girl that wants you for sex will give all of herself to you and truly enjoy sex. If a girl is seeking you for company/attention/money/validation... even if you manage to have sex with her, it won't be the same thing. She will not ask you to fuck her ass or cum on her face.



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