Ant #conspiracy

There are supposedly tons of meteors of all sizes flying around everywhere in space. And maybe millions of space pebbles shooting around like bullets. Scientists say how many of these are burned up in our atmosphere per day? Scientists say if we didn't have atmosphere to burn them up that what would happen to us here?
So beyond the extensive radiation factor and the body fatigue from being in a confined space, where were all these space 'bullets' during the trip to and from the moon? The tin foil on the lander showed absolutely no signs of any holes from being dinged by not one of these millions of pieces of space debris. Nor any of the moon walking astronauts. I saw no special shielding on their space suits. No marks from being dinged if they did have shielding. No gasps from any of them after feeling a 'clink' from a space rock hitting them. These signs would be perfectly normal in reality. But everything is so 'perfect' in all the 'pictures'. Even sterile. I find that alone highly suspect.
I can't go a whole day without dust or something hitting my car. Yet for days everything stayed picture perfect on the moon? How long does it take for moon dust to show anyway?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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