[In response to evidence that large wooden ships simply do not work]
What do ships have? A hull. What snapped on the wooden ship? The hull.
Does the ark have a hull? No.
The. Ark. Is. A. Hollow. Rectangular. Prism.
A Prism!!!!!! WTF
When God saw the Ark, he must have thought, "humanity's fucked then, I should have stuck with the Dinosaurs!"
The. Ocean. Is. Not. Flat.
At. Some. Point. The. Ark. Will. Have. A. Huge. Difference. In. Forces. Between. The. Middle. And. the. Edges.
Then. It. Will. Snap.
Learn about engineering.
And you, 968673, learn about geometry. Prism is technically the correct word for an extruded polygon.
"And what techniques of extrusion would Noah have applied? "
How else does one get a camel through the eye of a needle?
Hard on the camel, though.
Rectangular Prism? I have to dig out my old geometry textbooks and I'll get back to you tomorrow.
On second thought, are you that fucking stupid?
This is honestly the first time I've heard the "the Ark as a hollow rectangular prism"-theory. Very refreshing.
I still don't understand what the supposed shape of the ark has to do with it having a hull or not. No matter what you call it, it still works as a hull if you put it in water and use it as a boat.
OrangeWIZARD: What. Are. You. Smoking?
Does the ark have a hull? No.
The. Ark. Is. A. Hollow. Rectangular. Prism.
Wait... are you really saying what it looks like you're saying? Because it looks like you're saying the ark was a hollow vessel with no outside.
And a hollow vessel with no outside is just nothing, something that is only there in the imagination, so...
You're saying the ark was imaginary. (and I agree with that)
I was looking at that thread... fundies are so sure of their beliefs it can be difficult to not tell them aftrer a while "F*** YOU!!!"
But then they would just say you felt convicted by the Holy Spirit and were reacting to your guilt and fear of the truth.
A Prism? , A Prism?, A Prism?
WTF do you even think you are talking about? Do you honestly believe everyone else is that stupid or are you just hopeful that they are?
New Revised Naval Dictionary
Entry: hull
1. A minor, nonessential component that not all vessels possess.
A rectangular prism, huh? Did you use your wizardry skills to pull that nonsense out of your ass?
Edit: @ClockworkBunny: Don't try to understand it, don't try to comprehend it, don't try to analyze it, all that will do is make you as fucking crazy as they are. Just point and laugh, it's therapeutic.
6:14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.
6:15 And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.
6:16 A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it.
Now where in there does it say anything about it being a prism? God doesn't like it when you make shit up.
The prism comment has been addressed well enough but I want to comment on your anti-wooden boat remark.
I think the genocide of the native peoples of the world due to European expansionism VIA WOODEN BOATS proves your dumbass comment completely wrong. Wooden boats work.
Hull: 2 a: the frame or body of a ship or boat exclusive of masts, yards, sails, and rigging b: the main body of a usually large or heavy craft or vehicle (as an airship or tank) (merriam-webster)
So you're saying the ark did not have a main body or frame? What do you think a hull is?
I just read it again. Rectangular prism? WTF?
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
My brain hurts.
Also, if he's a wizard, he should be stoned to death. After all, that's what the bible says to do with those that practice magic.
Main Entry: hull
Pronunciation: \'h?l\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hulu; akin to Old High German hala hull, Old English helan to conceal more at hell
Date: before 12th century
1 a: the outer covering of a fruit or seed b: the persistent calyx or involucre that subtends some fruits (as a strawberry)
2 a: the frame or body of a ship or boat exclusive of masts, yards, sails, and rigging b: the main body of a usually large or heavy craft or vehicle (as an airship or tank)
Exactly, the Ark's a large fish-tank ornament. Or a case for huge pencils. Or a massive but somewhat inefficient methane bomb. Or a handy storage container for T-Rex meals. Or a myth nicked from other religions. Or a tongue-lollingly idiotic, jaw-droppingly moronic, droolingly cretinous, and knuckle-scrapingly and slavishly believed fairy tale for simpletons.
Cor! I know it's one of those, but I can't remember which one? I'm a silly billy aren't I.
I think the genocide of the native peoples of the world due to European expansionism VIA WOODEN BOATS proves your dumbass comment completely wrong. Wooden boats work.
Not at the size the ark is supposed to have been.
I'm kinda picturing something open on two ends here. That means it'd sink. Of course, if we go with something more tissue-box like and only opened at the top, it wouldn't sail very efficiently. How the hey did you come up with that?
Considering the ark was made out of "gopher wood", anything is possible.
Perhaps gopher wood has the structural strength of tungsten-carbide steel and the weight of corkboard. (It would have to be, to keep from snapping in half under its own weight.)
Perhaps gopher wood has tardis-like properties, allowing the interior of any ark built out of it to be larger than the exterior. (It would have to be, if the Fundies insist that 2 of every kind of dinosaur was on board.)
Perhaps gopher wood magically generates a wide variety food and automatically eliminates waste. (It would have to, in order to keep the thousands upon thousands of animal species on board alive for a year.)
btw, the whole ark thing is absolutely pathetic. many fundies even avoid that one for the sheer impossibility of it. just one of the hundreds of ways that "god did it" becomes the only explanation; fish.
sure the fish could swim right, and the fresh water fish would all die, or not because the flood was all rain water, of course. so the salt water fish died then... so what? did he keep all the fresh water fish in tanks on board? what about keeping them alive in tanks for that long. did he filter the water?
another question, what about all the bugs that don't live for a year, they would have to reproduce. but some species of bug couldn't breed in that kind of condition...
there reaches a point where you have to say one of two things. use the ever useful "god did it" and change the topic, or admit it's fiction.
1) Yes, the ark, being a ship, did in fact have a hull.
2) The ark was not a prism, regardless of its shape. In fact, prisms have nothing to do with rectangles, anyways.
3) You, sir, are a moron.
4) Four pages on this and it was only posted today? Wow. Candidate for fundie of the year?
No hull? WT. Holy. F.
It's described as squared off; the word "ark" actually means "box". I think the writer of Genesis *did* intend a big box looking thing with lots of floaty airspace. ("Rectangular prism" is indeed a real term, a polyhedron whose sides are all rectangles.)
@Reverend Jeremiah: The window was only 18" tall, but as long as the Ark.
There is *no way* 4000 BC Chalcolithic nomads would have been able to build a wooden ship that size. (I'm not sure it's *completely* impossible - I believe the Chinese had some 400+ foot wooden ships at one point - but it certainly would have been at that point in history! And collecting the insects ... LOL.)
Are you talking about tetragonal or orthorhombic prisms? They would float on a small scale, but there's a reason large vessels aren't designed that way. Where, on either of those shapes, would the load be taken up? They don't have the spine and beams that a hull has to deal with stresses of being afloat.
I loled.
What the hell kind of ship doesn't have a fucking hull?
And I thought a prism refracts light? Or was it defract, I can't remember.
Can I just say guys, all these prism comments are starting to get on my tits. Its true that OrangeWIZARD is a retard, and the hull comment is utter stupidity. BUT A PRISM IS A POLYHEDRON WITH THE SAME CROSS SECTION ALONG ITS WHOLE LENGTH. IT IS NOT JUST A TERM FOR THE INSTRUMENT USED IN OPTICS TO REFRACT LIGHT. So his comment about the ark being a "rectangular prism" means he thinks it was a cuboid. Which is stupid. But its a proper term.
So meny people have gotten this wrong here, I'm amazed. lrn2geometry.
It took the Mesoamerican civilisations centuries to shape those crystal skulls (the real ones, at least). What makes you think Noah could make (even if it was possible to build a vessel bigger than the supertanker Knock Nevis, a.k.a. Jahre Viking in Biblical times) such a craft from one piece of rock crystal (certainly in the limited time before the 'Flood'), if one big enough existed?
Even the Titanic's steel hull snapped during it's sinking. Given enough stress, a ship's hull made of crystal would break too.
It would appear that OrangeWIZARD has said something stupid, has been pressed upon by others in that thread, and he's painted himself further & further into a corner of stupidity. Not exactly fundie, but further proof that those below a certain IQ level shouldn't be allowed to breed.
Did we say "ALL wooden ships' hulls break"?
Also, this puts me in the mind of just a giant floating box afloat on the waves. It made me laugh out loud.
"The. Ark. Is. A. Hollow. Rectangular. Prism."
WTF? Okay everyone, just back away slowly, don't make any sudden moves they can smell fear. I've got the local psychiatric hospital on the line and they're sendning some men for OrangeWIZARD.
This is awesome. Thank you for all your comments. I really appreciate this and I'm glad I could make your day.
But seriously, the bible does not say any part of the ark was curved in any way.
Like one poster said:
6:15 And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.
What shape does this make? A box.
And how does a desert shepherd become a master shipbuilder? Whatever you call it, it is subject to the stresses put on it by its load, including the load it puts on itself. You fail basic engineering.
1. the hollow, lowermost portion of a ship, floating partially submerged and supporting the remainder of the ship.
I think it still works if you replace the word "ship" with the words "hollow rectangular prism".
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